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  1. BSN premium on the table.

    How is that being played by administration? Nurses should be rewarded for earning a higher degree. The pay should be more than $0.50 or $1.00 per hour. We are letting administration play US, by encouraging the debate. As I stated in my letter, teache...
  2. BSN premium on the table.

    As teachers earn higher college degrees, they earn more money. There is no quibbling about a difference in outcomes of students, They are receiving higher pay because they have earned a higher college degree, which is rewarded with higher pay. It ne...
  3. Advice on Washington state job market

    I believe that Eastern State, (a psych hospital), Lakeland Village, and Airway Heights Correction Center, have recently been advertising for nurses. These are ALL STATE JOBS, WITH VERY GOOD PAY AND BENEFITS!! They are also unionized! You even can pi...
  4. Did any of the above nurses retain an attorney to find their termination? If they did not, then they deserve to get fired for no reason, and let the hospital get away with it. If physicians are terminated without just cause, they show up with their ...
  5. How to learn telemetry?

    Is, "Dubin's Rapid Interpretation of EKG's", still in print? Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN (ret) Somewhere in the PACNW
  6. If nurses are looking for a business to open, how about opening a Medical Supply Company/Store? It would take some capitol, but you can get a Small Business Loan. Not sure how to start/open, a business, call the Small Business Association. They are h...
  7. Washington State has jobs openings, for those who are looking for a job. Coulee Medical Center, in Washington State, has multiple openings for RNs in Acute Care, LTS, OB, and in the Rural Health Clinic for ARNPs. They have a new facility that was bu...
  8. Value of Nurses

    The issue is not the value of nursing. The issue is, that hospitals want to continue their control over the nursing profession. What better way to control us, than to continue to deny our worth. As long as our professional practice is rolled into th...
  9. PCCN certification - Should I expect a pay differential?

    And as we say in Brooklyn, that and $0.50, will get you a get you on the subway. In other words, is is meaningless. There is no reason that when nurses earn specialty certifications,that there should not be any monetary reward for doing so. It really...
  10. Exp RN looking for info on Spokane nursing

    I donr know what to tell you. You have the job at Deaconess. Go work there. keep a low profile, stay under the radar. There are nurses there that have worked there for years. Do not compare Deaconess to where you used to work, even if the conditions...
  11. Nurse to Patient Ratio Mandates

    Has any one called the Labor Board? Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN, (ret) Somewhere in the PACNW
  12. Legal Nurse Consultant (LNC)

    Stick with the AALNC. Lindarn, RN, BSN, CCRN (ret) Somewhere in the PACNW
  13. How to File a Complaint against BON

    The bon's are out control. Lindarn, rn, bsn, ccrn,(ret) somewhere in the pacnw
  14. Relocating to Spokane

    Individuals who are not from Spokane, and come from more sophisticated areas of the county,(NYC), do not find Spokane, "charming". Right from my father's mouth, as he sat on the park bench in the baggage claim, watching all of the people at the airp...
  15. Staffing ratios

    Staffing ratios with no aides, was ploy that health care industries uses to prevent staffing ratios from being applauded for improving patient outcomes. If the staffing ratios did not improve patient outcomes because the nursing staff had no aides ...