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About jennisa

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  1. Question for those who pass the Nclex

    Sorry for not make my question clear. Yes, I want to know how many of you passed the board without working as a new grad. Some people said by choosing to work as new grad help them pass the board. But for people who did not choose to work as new grad...
  2. Question for those who pass the Nclex

    I just wondering how many people in here who pass their board without going to new grad program after graduated?
  3. Hi, i took an nlcex-RN last week and I found out that I fail. I had been feeling down for the whole week now. But life is not end there. Life must go on. Now I am plan to retest again. To retest again, I may need at least two to three month. My quest...
  4. CNA training

    Try to look into sunday newspaper. Some nursing home offer free 6 weeks cna class. Have you start clinical yet? If you have a two clinical rotation, you can work as a nursing student at the hospital.
  5. Need advice

    Hi, a am newly graduate since last two month ago, Dec 06. Back then I cannot decide whether I should apply for a grad nurse or just focus on study the board. but now I am feel like I want to apply for a grad nurse. If I apply now, are the employer st...