

Periop and Ortho

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About kayakrn7

kayakrn7 has 10 years experience and specializes in Periop and Ortho.

Mid-westerner, former retail exec turned RN, RN experience includes Pediatric ICU/ER, Perioperative RN, Periop Educator, Ortho Service line RN, Program Liaison Fracture Program, Program Liaison Joint and Spine, DMAT member, Red Cross RN

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  1. The Smallest Act of Kindness

    Thanks for taking the time to read my article!
  2. The Smallest Act of Kindness

    Recently, while rounding on one of my patients, I noticed she seemed quieter than usual, so I sat down beside her and began not with a traditional physical exam but with the simple question "What are you thinking about this morning?" She began to tel...
  3. When I first received the invitation to speak at the Pinning Ceremony at my alma mater, I was not quite sure why they had chosen me. In fact I was pretty sure they had made a mistake. A quick email, a quick response, and I was assured they had the co...
  4. On January 12, 2010 at 4:53pm EST a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the nation of Haiti destroying over 300,000 homes and buildings and taking the lives of over 200,000 people. As a nurse who has responded to many disasters within the United States, ...
  5. In January and February of this year I worked in Haiti with United States NDMS DMAT and ImSurt teams providing medical and surgical care to the victims of the January 12th earthquake. What I experienced during those weeks only partially prepared me f...