

Gerontology/Home Health CM, OB, ICU, MS

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About Merced

Merced specializes in Gerontology/Home Health CM, OB, ICU, MS.

I was originally attracted to nursing by a nurse-midwife I admired. I love maternal nursing, but have worked in small places where I've had to be a generalist. Now I focus on gerontology & teaching

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  1. On the ground, ISTM that it all depends on the state you're in. Trying to navigate California's website is truly daunting; If TN's website is anything like that, best wishes to you I think the best way always is to get your information from real p...
  2. 2 glove technique? HUHH?

    Double or even triple gloves for "code brown" makes sense also from the "smell" standpoint. I have noticed a smell of feces on my hands if I only use 1 layer of gloves; 2 or even 3 makes the job so much easier. Just peel off as you go.
  3. Scared ill be kicked out of school :(

    I also agree that since you self-corrected, and learned an important lesson, you should not self-report. That sets in motion a chain of events which in not in proportion to this non-event.
  4. Paramedic to RN transition, easy or hard?

    As a teacher of basic nursing (CNA), over time I began to notice that there was a familiar theme amongst paramedic-turning-nurse: they don't think they have anything to learn about nursing - when they first arrive, that is. If they can "put on th...
  5. Finally decided to quit nursing

    Hey - I want you to be MY nurse. We should have nursing leaders like you :yelclap:
  6. Finally decided to quit nursing

    STAY in nursing - you are stronger & tougher, & have a love of service which is unusual in modern culture. That's the reason you're not finding too many people like yourself. Please don't follow the crowd - be your wonderful, positive, toug...
  7. Never placed an IV!!!!!

    Back in the day when smokers were not discouraged from smoking, I found an interesting phenomenon: The patient could be a 29-year old guy, tan & rugged-looking, with veins that were like highways, but if they had just had a cigarette (which they ...
  8. Fired from first CNA job

    You are definitely not done! I'd be willing to bet that it wasn't related to you specifically, but to TIMING. At a different time, they would have given you the attention you needed with your first job. Everyone knows that even for experienced CN...
  9. What skills did YOU get at the CNA state exam?

    I'm interested: What state(s) only gives written exam?
  10. Here in California, there is a real distinction between "Home Health" and "Home Care. Anyone can open a Home Care agency. All you need is a business license. If you want to be "Home Health", you have to comply with regulations that try to ensure t...
  11. Should I get my CNA?

    I'm surprised that CNA experience is not a requirement for admission. Here in CA, all the programs I know do require that, & for good reason. Case in point: I once worked with an R.N. who had graduated from a Florida program that only required...
  12. Last semester but.. I Hate Nursing!

    I strongly concur that any job where you work alone as a nurse, requires lots of experience! They may be fun jobs such as camp nurse, school nurse, or home health nurse - but they are only fun if you have the experience & confidence to know when...
  13. Are oral contraceptives healthcare?

    Surgeon General Everett Koop (very politically conservative) had the view that every U.S. citizen should have access to 3 kinds of care (only): 1. Preventive 2. Emergency 3. Catastrophic. I still think this is a good idea, though insurance companies ...
  14. Finally decided to quit nursing

    I think this is a really beautiful post - thank YOU
  15. Finally decided to quit nursing

    LOL - all the times I have had daydreams of sitting in front of a computer screen to earn money, rather than trying to keep a high number of sick people happy. After all these years, though, I have found that the one thing I can NOT tolerate is bor...