

Neonatal ICU

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About Krinky

Krinky has 4 years experience and specializes in Neonatal ICU.

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  1. kcal in breastmilk

    Just a quick question! How many kcal are there in breastmilk? And how many kcal in Neonatalyte 10%? Any help? Thanks so much!
  2. Funny/happy NICU moments needed

    We had a set of 28 week twin boys, and we put them together in a servocrib once they we well enough and one of them always had his had on his brother, just making sure he was still there. And the one being touched all time time was very irritable, he...
  3. Anxiety in Neonates

    Hi. Im doing a post grad course on fundamentals of Neonatal Nursing and I am trying to find out how to identify if your baby is anxious?! Its probably a silly question but I just cannot think. Please help! Thanks!!