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About southlady_1

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  1. Long-term Antepartum Care in the Hospital

    We do all of the above encourage video games, DVD players, etc. Our hospital has WiFI which helps. Having been on bedrest with my past pregnancy, I can appreciate that it is a difficult situation when we take all control away...
  2. man holding wife still during epidural dies!

    I've worked in L&D for the past 30 yrs. We've always allowed fathers to hold the moms in labor during the epidurals IF they want to. This is in 2 different states. We USED to allow fathers to carry the baby from the OR/Delivery room to the nurser...
  3. Teach or Practice as NP? Undecided.....

    Hey..... I am a UAB alumni......from years ago and the school is outstanding. Currently, I am L&D for many years but looking to graduate school. What suggestions, comments, etc do folks have? I'm undecided as to whether I want to teach or practic...