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About Shimano0606

Shimano0606 has 5 years experience and specializes in PICU.

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  1. Army CRNA school graduates please advise

    Current student at USAGPAN. Your stats look fine. I know USAGPAN is changing some of their entry requirements since they are going to transition to DNP this year. Keep on the lookout for that. In our class are several OR, PACU and ER nurses..they are...
  2. New grads in PICU...thoughts?

    You'll have pros and cons no matter how you do it. I had a great orientation at CHLA, so I was comfortable going into PICU right off the bat. Had I not been given 6 months to learn nursing and PICU simultaneously, then I would have had a much rougher...
  3. Anyone else going to the USAGPAN in 2011?

    Application is due sometime in June usually. You should hear back around September-October. I got notification in September but I know others who weren't notified until October. Good Luck
  4. Air Force Hospitals with ICU's

    Sorry for the loose language...I meant parts of the hospital are being converted for more inpatient beds to take the patients who would've gone to Wilford Hall. Still stand by Alamo Heights being one of the closest/safest areas to rent near BAMC. Int...
  5. Air Force Hospitals with ICU's

    All Wilford Hall Inpatient will be moved to BAMC in the near future. I think the deadline is September of this year. Multiple units have already moved and are integrated into BAMC. Our unit was the first to go last year. As a med surg nurse you may s...
  6. RN looking for some AF info from someone who knows

    annabeap has it right. Your experience should count and push you into an ICU position, assuming leadership doesn't need you somewhere else. Do you have your CCRN? That might help seal the deal, but maybe not a requirement. Your AFSC should reflect th...
  7. BAMC / SAMMC Living Recommendations

    Unfortunatley, the best way is to drive around and windowshop the neighborhood. Craigslist is the other option, but you have to sift through all of the apartments to get to the homes. Some key words are : alamo heights, terrell heights, terrell hills...
  8. BAMC / SAMMC Living Recommendations

    A little late to this thread, but I've lived in Alamo Heights and by Sea World. Hands down, Alamo Heights has been better for my family and my commute. The homes are older and more expensive, but you are more central to the city. I rode my road bike ...
  9. Why no NICU?

    It probably depends on the level of NICU care. If you're doing routine ECMO, High Frequency Ventilation, drips, etc...then that should totally count. Lower acuity NICUs can be like a newborn nursery. Most likely, if the school accepts NICU, then they...
  10. Army CRNA Program

    You can also apply for the direct commission to crna school route. Sounds like that's what you were referring to. An Army recruiter is probably the first step, but then you would apply to the Northeastern Univ program. I'm sure that there's also an A...
  11. for those who got in with NICU experience

    I'm a PICU nurse who got in with the military and I know of a couple of people with NICU experience who were accepted in years past. All the NICU folks were doing neonatal transport, ECMO, and volunteering for adult ICU deployments. Good things to sh...
  12. ROTC vs Cot

    If you're using the GI Bill, then you must have some prior service. Maybe you mentioned that and I missed it..sorry. In that case you know very well what you're getting into. I still think the ROTC route is a more reliable way to get a commission. Yo...
  13. ROTC vs Cot

    I got my initial commission through ROTC (got "re-commisioned" when I became a nurse and went into the nurse corps). From talking to the folks I work with who went through COT I think my experience taught me so much more about not only leadership, bu...
  14. Any Nurses Stationed at BAMC

    Cibolo is a nice area, but it's kind of far out. I would recommend Alamo Heights. Kind of expensive, but the houses have lots of character. There are lots of local (non-chain) restaurants within a short drive. There are many mature trees (unlike mos...
  15. Air Force COT questions

    You should hear from your recruiter (most likely). The time frames vary considerably from a few weeks to a few months. Sounds like you're on pins and needles :) From my experience, the Chief Nurse Interview was only a piece of the process. There sho...