

Tele, and now ICU !!

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About jaccimv

jaccimv has 3 years experience and specializes in Tele, and now ICU !!.

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  1. The worst code you've seen?

    A ruptured pulmonary artery...looked like a very bad crime scene...blood all over everything and everyone. sad, obviously didnt make it.
  2. some product that eases my tired feet at the end of 12 loooooong hours.
  3. TCAB- Transforming Care at The Bedside

    So far we have done a 3 tests of change already. Our kickoff meetings to introduce to the staff and snorkel are the first week of december..we are having 2 sessions. thats awesome!! everyone at our place is catching on and loving it... cant wait to s...
  4. TCAB- Transforming Care at The Bedside

    Thanka Pandora! Thats what we are seeing- the staff has so many little simple ideas that are making great impact and the hospital is now as a whole catching on. inshall- yes ideally staffing, matrix etc would fix soooooooooo much but we all know the ...
  5. TCAB- Transforming Care at The Bedside

    right now just in hospitals..
  6. TCAB- Transforming Care at The Bedside

    Thats great. Where in Fort Wayne- I used to work @ Lutheran. We have been doing bedside report for about 2 years...I cant imagine doing it any other way. We started implementing quite time from 2-3, similar to what the ICU does. And, we have a lot mo...
  7. Hey There- I recently got back from our TCAB kickoff in Nashville. I was wondering if there are any RNs who work in a hospital who participated in this and if it really impacted your floor, and pt care. I know many probably arent familiar with th...
  8. Ohio online license renewal

    Is it significant like soc. number and name??? I need mine and cant find it ....also having a heck of a time getting a hold of the board. yikes!
  9. I'm sorry if this sounds stupid, but I must ask!

    our cv unit is for open hearts, coronary is for acute mi, and other cardiac issues.
  10. Bedside Rounding

    We do this and I love it. At first we were all a little opposed but now I cant imagine not doing it. Obviously there are situations where we step out of the room but it gives us an opprotunity to get a quick head to toe glimpse of pt status, etc. bef...
  11. Anti-coagulants

    Before I give lovenox I always check my pts platelet level, our hospital requires that it is checked at least every three days if not already drawn.
  12. Things you'd like the ER to Know

    ya, whats up with the AC site..everytime!! my favorite was when my pt rolled up with the tourniquet still tied on the poor lil pt. HELLOOO!!!!!!
  13. Shift report and HIPPA

    At my hospital we do bedside report. I am totally not a fan because of hippa, however, there are plus sides. When appropriate to do this at the bedside..it allows me to check iv sites, etc. making sure things are finished so to speak?? we all know wh...
  14. oophorectomy

    I have seen bruising before many times on post op lap gyn pts. Not severe, but there.
  15. You want me to do what????

    HOLY MOLEY!!! :uhoh3:What kind of doc wrote this order just out of curiosity? A cardiologist?? May I ask what was the outcome?