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About FutureRN_NP

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  1. Body fluid exposure..from a cyst?

    Does your facility have any policy just in case this happens? I would be worry too if I were you. Talk to your PCP about it and see if you can get tested. I think usually 6 months after exposure to be sure you are not contracted anything. Not medical...
  2. Need Some Advice...Which Job To Take?

    It definitely is a tough call. If the second offer was a permanent job, I would not hesitate to advise that you take it. However, it is just two months. Speaking of experience first hand I would not take the job at the LTC. Think about this although ...
  3. PRN and got call off more than I thought, is this normal?

    I was scheduled to work but still called off on my shift? How is that possible? Maybe I am new to this PRN world and learning how it operates :)
  4. Hello my fellow nurses, I got a question especially for all the PRN folks. I recently work in a hospital but as PRN and I already got call off more than I anticipated. Is this normal?
  5. 5th Nursing Caption Contest - Win $100

    Charles! I think one of them was a student nurse helped take care of you in the hospital last year. What on earth has happened to him? He is a change person indeed.
  6. Just another new nurse needing some advice :(

    I can relate and yes I am in the same position. It gets annoy at time when your charge nurse (just one) I encounter recently talks to me a new nurse like a child. I understand I might not have many years experience as this charge nurse has but no dou...
  7. Would U hav time for meh?

    In this situation, I would first hold of the discharge paper because you can always come back to finish it. When you are ready to discharge a pt you should have all information you need to answer the family. Therefore, first hold of the discharge, as...
  8. New Orientee working with SN

    Thanks all for words of encouragement. I don't let that bother me anymore. I've learned that people will be people. Some are worse than the other anywhere I go :)
  9. New Orientee working with SN

    I am a new hired in this hospital. My preceptor is wonderful and very knowledgeable. I like her. But here is the thing that bothers me little bit. She orients two people, me and another senior SN. SN is already been on the floor for much longer than ...
  10. Job search question

    When they ask what shift you prefer or looking for tell them you are not picky. You will take whatever available. I was previously applied for FT then they told me they did not have FT at this moment but PRN. I said sure I will take that. What you wa...
  11. I've made a mistake, and now I need help

    I would say ask the head doc first for the guidelines. He can call the shot if pt needs to be contacted and obtain late entry signature. I would not go out about anything until further advise from him. This way you are practice and act according to t...
  12. Anyone else the QUIET nurse?

    I can be quite at times depends on how comfortable I am with the other persons. I think the misconception people have on quite nurse vs loud nurse is the assertiveness portray in loud nurses. Pts tend to listen and become more passive toward nurses w...
  13. I've made a mistake, and now I need help

    I say do what your guts tell you. If it is safer to talk to the head doc who the one will decide your faith anyway then do so. If he is okay with it more likely than not the other doc will be as well. Doesn't the document become a permanent record af...
  14. I've made a mistake, and now I need help

    I would say let him know and be remorseful in front of him. He might spare you which I am very positive he would. Honesty is the most valuable thing we human own.
  15. Should I let it go or hanging on to it?

    You couldn't have said it better. Did you find another job already? I know this hospital job might be a big challenge and a major change but nurse-pt ratio is much lower. I prefer to stay focus on pt's complications than try to get the work done beca...