

family practice, diabetes, OB

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About akfnp

akfnp has 33 years experience and specializes in family practice, diabetes, OB.

I'm a 1973 graduate of New England Deaconess Hospital. I have 3 grown children and 3 grandchildren.I have married to the love of my life for 34 years.

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  1. Sitka?

    My son went to Mt Edgecomb HS in Sitka and we visited a few times. It is a BEAUTIFUL place. The people at SEARC are great. (I'm an FNP and work for another native cooperation so have had contact with many folks from that region) It can be pretty r...
  2. Desperate Please Reply!!!!!

    We drove to AK with 3 kids and a dog in a suburban and pop up camper and ended up finding a cabin 60 miles north of Fairbanks and living for a year in pretty rustic environment...like an underground fridge, and and outhouse at 60 below zero can be in...