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  1. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    Nessa - I promise you it gets better. I used to feel physically ill throughout most of my orientation and especially the day or two before I went out on my own, but I promise, it gets better. You can do this and the best way is to force yourself to t...
  2. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    Dear Betty Boop - I promise you, it gets better! I posted in August how awful I was feeling and while I still feel like a "fraud" at times, other times I know I am making a difference. I am at the 9 month mark now and I while the idea of going in s...
  3. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    Well, it happened again. I am up in the middle of the night, worried that perhaps I missed something on a patient from two days ago. I was off yesterday (yeah - it was a terrific day!) and have to go back in less than five hours. I should be in bed...
  4. I reached a milestone last night.

    Woo hoo! It's one of those things that makes us feel "nurse-y."
  5. I'm Hard to Fit--Looking for Cute Scrubs

    I am built very similar to what you described and I actually have those Cherokee scrub pants mentioned above. They are my 2nd favorite pair. My absolute favorite pair are Grey's Anatomy - in a 2X petite. The material is soooo soft and the tops have...
  6. Do you consider yourself a "highly sensitive person" ?

    I relate a lot to this post and knew I was a highly sensitive person even before I took the assessment. As a new grad on a busy tele floor, I do get easily overwhelmed... especially with multiple complex admissions, transfers and discharges per shif...
  7. RN to MSN @ UNC-CH, any reviews?

    I am interested in it as well, so I will be interested in any replies!
  8. Support Stickie for New nurses who are not coping

    LoneRN, Thank you for putting in words what I have been living/feeling. I am on a week 7 of 12 for orientation on a tele unit and I wave up at 4am the morning before having to go in - so not only am I stressed out, but I am exhausted. I love going ...
  9. Is putting 'BSN' on badge snobbish?

    Just to play devil's advocate - what about the people who are 2nd degree RN's? Should they put their other degrees on as well? I went to ADN school with a women who had her MS in another science. Should her MS be listed? Should my BS be listed, even ...
  10. Lidocaine for v-tach thru IV line?

    It is compatible with D5W and I believe when it is mixed/diluted it is done in D5W (over NS.)
  11. New Grad: grunt work or unique abroad experience?

    A career ago, I had a similar opportunity and I chose to go work abroad. It was an amazing experience and one that recruiters comment on. Honestly, that was enough to get them to sit up and notice me. They knew I had a passion, could work with chan...
  12. Just wondering... what would you want your kids to do for a living?

    My five year old daughter currently wants to be an elf. As long as she completes college, she can be whatever type of elf she wants. However, all kidding aside, I really hope my children do something that makes a positive difference in the world. I...
  13. Associates degree

    Yes, by me it is absolutely harder to get hired as a RN with an ADN, versus a BSN. There are two local hospitals that the local community college does its clinicals and both used to hire evenly. Well, for the last year, one of them only hired BSNs ...
  14. Describe your dream LTC

    I was the activity director in a community that had independent, assisted living and ltc and we had happy hour every night except Sundays. People would dress to the nines and I even was able to get orders for some of my medical patients to participat...
  15. ER Nurses... I Am so Sorry

    Those secondary findings often are the important ones! Glad he's okay.