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ERTRAVELER has 13 years experience and specializes in er.

just started traveling 3/06

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  1. Most RN's first borns?

    Yup, 1st born, dysfunctional family. Mother died when I was 14 and I've been a caregive since I was 9. Father not alcoholic, but unavailable emotionally.
  2. You'll never make it in California

    just my 2 cents, for whatever it's worth. i'm doing a travel assignment near palm springs and absolutely hate it. the 1:4 ratio is great as long as you don't get all 4 critical patients at the same time, and the management and flow of this er is te...
  3. Robert Wood Johnson Univ Hospital Nurses to Strike

    Well said Leslie, and yes Timothy, you have been unsupportive in the eyes of many nurses. Maybe you consider yourself the devil's advocate, but I, as a nurse and not a Robert Wood Johnson nurse, was offended with many of your posts.
  4. Re: License by endorsement

    Does anybody know how to get an application for a Louisiana R.N. license by endorsement. Their website is not user friendly and I'm having a tough time finding the application. Thanks:rolleyes:
  5. Looking to move to S. La.

    Considering a travel assignment in Gretna, LA. Anyone have any input?
  6. Family in or out during procedures???

    I work emergency and during a critical situation my first and foremost concern is the patient. I ask family to step out until we can get their loved one stable and then I bring them in one at a time. It is difficulty to get around family when tryin...
  7. Robert Wood Johnson Univ Hospital Nurses to Strike

    Hope your strike has been resolved. It has to be a lose:lose situation.but the patients are the biggest losers. I can only imagine the anger and sense of betrayal you feel. I was a nurse at a hospital that closed its doors and it wasn't a good ti...