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About gradgitated

former steelworker and truck driver who entered the nursing program at the ripe old age of 44. Graduated from ADN program in June of 06.

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  1. Poll for those who have already taken NCLEX..

    1. 75 questions 2.Kaplan NCLEX-RN text & CD 3.My ADN program used ATI every quarter and a 'predictor' at the end of 2nd year 4.Called the BON, entered my SS number and got my licensing status (48 hours after testing) 5. Immediately after the tes...
  2. Depression

    I was diagnosed with depression at age 33, following a 20 year battle with it on my own. I never understood what made me feel (and behave) so differently from everyone I went to school with and worked with...I simply felt overwhelmed by life and did...
  3. Disclosing Depression in A Nursing Job Interview

    I wouldn't volunteer any information regarding your medical history. Although some people would appreciate your honesty and not let it affect your employment, there are others who would be put off by it. As a person who has lived with clinical depres...
  4. Fired from job

    My awful for you. Sounds like the wife was having an extremely hard time coping with her husband's illness and was intent on making somebody else suffer right along with her. I think that it is a very good idea to get a lawyer invol...
  5. TIPS/Info for passing NCLEX

    I graduated in June and didn't take my boards until the first week of this month (had to get the folks moved here from Chicago first). I didn't do as much studying over the summer as I would have liked, but I did put in about 40 hours of study time d...
  6. How many questions?

    I think that if you don't have a secure knowledge base (particularly in V/S, labs, pharmacology, Rules of Management, therapeutic communication, and triage) AND have a clear understanding of how to take questions apart/rephrase them, even 5,000 pract...
  7. Catholic hospitals-yes or no?

    I worked as a CNA in a Catholic hospital for 13 months. I am not a Catholic, but was respectful of others' beliefs and practices during my time there. It is hard to say definitively if my problems with the facility and staff were due to the fact t...
  8. New grad just got fired

    OUCH!!! How awful for you....reading your post made me cringe. I have always had a hard time understanding the attitudes of some experienced RNs in regard to their treatment/assessment of new grads....have they completely forgotten how nerve-wracki...
  9. Pay difference between RN and BSN?

    In my area, I've been told (by my instructors) that the wage difference between an RN and BSN is approximately 75 cents an hour. Multiply that times 40 hours per week, 52 weeks a year and it totals $1560.00 per year. Then figure that it takes 1 to ...
  10. Has Anyone Failed Nclex With 75 Questions???

    I'm just writing to say that I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!! I had 75 questions, and felt uneasy during most of the exam. When I left the testing center I told the receptioist that I'd be back....she said, "Oh, you all say that....I'm sure you did just fine!!!"....
  11. New Grad wages

    I have been in touch with several of my classmates (we graduated in June of this year) and the average starting salary for new grads in the Lewis-Clark Valley is around $23.00 an hour. Some new grads do get hired into the float pool....'seems to dep...
  12. Would It Be Better To Be A Lpn First, Then Go For Rn?

    I, too, have been wondering about the chemistry requirement that most schools have. One possible explanation is that mastering the material might give some indication as to a candidate's ability to master nursing school material. Also, requiring cand...
  13. Has Anyone Failed Nclex With 75 Questions???

    I do know of someone who failed with just 75 questions. They retook the exam after the 45 day waiting period and passed with 209 questions answered
  14. Fail math exam and we are out!!!! Help!!!

    The ADN program that I just graduated from gives meds and dosage exams every quarter, first and second year. If you don't pass it the first time you have to take a remediation class before taking it the second time. I don't know what happens if you...
  15. Preceptors-What's the real deal?

    I think that it's important to communicate effectively with your preceptor and the instructor who is in charge of your clinical rotation. Talk to your preceptor at your initial meeting....ask about experience, the way she(or he) organizes their work...