

Orthopaedics, ITU and Critical Care Outr

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About mmsparkle

mmsparkle has 12 years experience and specializes in Orthopaedics, ITU and Critical Care Outr.

Latest Activity

  1. Band 6 interview /presentation

    Hi Emma, sorry I came to this too late to help. How did it go?
  2. Just done CPR on neighbour's wife

    Oh I know, I was dreading bringing her back in a hypoxic brain damaged condition. For the best really. Thanks all. We will try to organise meals for her family for the next couple of days.
  3. Just done CPR on neighbour's wife

    Thanks Horseshoe. I really hope so. It was just so futile and undignified, especially as we had to leave her body on the floor until the police arrived. I am choosing to believe that by coming to ask me for help, the neighbour was effectively consen...
  4. Not sure where I'm going with this thread. CPR was inevitably unsuccessful, the lady had had a huge GI bleed. I stayed with husband until ambulance crew had delivered bad news and there was no more I could do. It feels unfinished, compared to the deb...
  5. turned down for four band 6 posts what am I doing wrong?

    The interview system relies solely on points, given depending on your answers and if they meet the pre-selected criteria. As an interviewer, it can be very frustrating when an excellent nurse fails to perform as well at interview as a mediocre nurse;...
  6. Did I do the right thing?

    I guess it depends on the prescription, your local policies, and what type of insulin it was - long or short-acting. You can complete the Datix yourself with the information you have been given by her.
  7. Are nurses being imported to the UK?

    Yes - we are looking to Portugal and Phillipines currently to fill critical care posts.
  8. Looking to connect with other Christian nurses

    I am a nurse, and have recently come to Christianity. In response to a question further up, I tend to keep it quiet (I'd hate to attempt to evangelise with the wrong person!) but am just beginning to get braver, and to proclaim my faith amongst co-w...
  9. Interview Preparation for Qualified Nurses

    Oh yes, and one last one: If you were successful, what further support and development would you require from us?
  10. Interview Preparation for Qualified Nurses

    In case it may be of help to others, some of the questions I was asked were: Tell us a bit about yourself, and why you are applying for this post. Describe an emergency situation you were involved in, and how you reacted. Describe a situation where ...
  11. Interview Preparation for Qualified Nurses

    Thank you. I'm about to get ready. Phew! I have researched the Francis report (or at least the exec summary!). I appreciate the encouragement.
  12. Interview Preparation for Qualified Nurses

    Hi XB9S, I have read through this entire thread, and seen your helpful and informative posts throughout. Thank you. I am applying for a band 7 post in Critical Care, and have been offered an interview. I have a few questions: On the nhs jobs webs...
  13. Band 7 interview

    Great question - I also have a band 7 interview coming up, so all your answers are really helpful.
  14. rapid response team

    I would agree with Dorimar. Our 'outreach' visits (proactive) are more of a priority than our 'MEWS' visits.
  15. rapid response team

    This sounds like the job I have at the moment - called Critical Care Outreach. In England, Outreach teams have been running, mainly 24/7, for some years - my hospital is somewhat behind the times. I'm a Band 6 Outreach Sister, with 7 years ICU exper...