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About cabkrun

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  1. I'm a Medications Menace

    YIKES. Having a heart attack because of a missed med is "small stuff". Maybe it's time you got out of nursing all together, because someone may not get better even if you do change nursing jobs, because you've missed "the small stuff". Overdose of ...
  2. The fatting of America.

    Have to agree with mvanz on this one. Rarely there may be a "medical" cause, but it's not the norm. Both my brothers are fat. The younger one has spent the last who knows how many years "self medicating" because there absolutely HAS to be somethin...
  3. Universal Healthcare

    Constitution? What Constitution? The one being walked all over upon by the current "conservative" administration? Yeah, okay. (Not criticizing you UK, but it's funny when people start pointing to the constitution to try to solidify their points, ...
  4. The fatting of America.

    There isn't such a thing as "detoxifying" our body. It's done all the time by the kidneys, etc.
  5. The fatting of America.

    eliminating entire food groups never works. it's all about proper portion sizes and moderation. want some candy... have a small piece. (YUMMY). A good part of the problem is our sedentary lifestyles. People just don't move anymore. We rely upon o...
  6. Universal Healthcare

    Timothy, you have faith in corporate America to care about you and have your best interest at heart. Yikes, your job must not have been outsourced yet.
  7. Universal Healthcare

    Daggummit! makes some valid points. Trust me, I could spill a couple of personal stories about our superior system that might make you "responsibility" advocates rethink a little. I'm making some maybe extreme posts to get a rise to some degree, bu...
  8. Universal Healthcare

    jjoy. I understand what you are trying to say... where exactly do you draw the line then? How can you limit it to WIC, or? (yes, timothy, I realize your response with be "this is my point" ;-)). What about someone forced out of work to take care ...
  9. Universal Healthcare

    Timothy, sink or swim baby. Isn't that what it's all about. May you never face hardship, tragedy or illness and be left to your own devices in your own cruelly create world.
  10. Universal Healthcare

    Strength of our economy? Strong for whom? Certainly not the increasing number of minimum wage workers, or the thousands of highly trained white collar technology workers who continue to see their jobs outsourced to the lowest bidder, or what will s...
  11. Universal Healthcare

    More BS Scare tactics Timothy. My father-in-law in London has heart disease, and he hasn't waited one bit to get treated, and continues to get good followup care, and is on the road to better health. Nice try. Next?
  12. Universal Healthcare

    Timothy, fat cat CEO's already determine our health care. It's ALREADY RATIONED!! That is just a plain old FACT. I know from experience that it is. And forcing people to pay for health care by "capitalizing" it isn't the solution either...I'm sorr...
  13. Universal Healthcare

    What I don't understand is the argument that a single payer health care system will lead to abuse. Just because I will have health coverage, all the sudden I'm going to go out and start eating KFC and Big Macs, not exercising, and going to the docto...
  14. Universal Healthcare

    I would like to see studies that back these speculative thoughts up. If Universal Health Care in Europe and Asia is failing, why are we so far down on the list of health of citizens? Canadians (or Europeans) running over the US for health care is BS ...
  15. Universal Healthcare

    Amen. And what people don't understand about the Canadian model, is that it ISN'T RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT!! People pay into a universal fund, health care is administerd by a PRIVATE business, which gets paid thru this fund by the Government. I am al...