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About J'sGirl82

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  1. Breastfeed or else

    You get cupons don't you ? I'm sorry I get extremely upset when it comes to this subject. I bf'd my 1st ( and only child) for 13 months, and wasn't happy when she weaned. The fact is ( in my opinion) with all the knowledge and research done on this ...
  2. What's the weirdest baby name?

    How about Charmin ?? Nothing like being named after d*m toliet paper!!! A girl I know named her son after a liquor ( nice, huh?) I can't remember how to spell it..cavasier. I don't know, she was 19 and drunk alot, probably how she wound up preggo.
  3. Babyshower

    That was very creative! You did a good job!
  4. Are breastpumps available for use for nurses?

    If the tubing and horns are a seperate entity and milk does NOT pass through any machinery ( assuming you are HIV free, and not one drop of blood has came from your nipple because of them being cracked), it is safe for multiple users (per FDA-supposi...
  5. nursing students for choice

    Ok, well assuming that because she's going to be a nurse and "shouldn't " as you've said participate in pro-choice activities, then why don't we just start making choices for our patients, I mean let's forget how they feel. Why give chemo to patients...
  6. What is your opinion of this situation?

    I can't say anymore than anyone else has, except this, if and when you feel appropriate, perahps you could drop her a nice card and just thank her for doing everything that she has done for you personally/professionally. At least, she'll feel better,...
  7. please help with this question

    She only has 12 posts for pete sake's!!! How can she be always asking these questions??? Golly!!!! It's always refreshing to know that nastiness follows you wherever you go, eh ? I'm sorry I can't help, haven't gotten that far, but...I'm sure that s...
  8. You are such a strong woman, my thoughts, prayers and well wishes are with you.
  9. Geez, this is a long story. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to take care of people. My mom was married to a very aggressive ( and abusive) husband, who would constantly run her down, insult her, and sad to say, but send her to the E...
  10. If you could change on aspect of nursing.

    I can only say this as a student, the daughter of a Nurse and D.O., but I think image. People (even when I worked as a CNA) often see scrubs and a woman and think "cutsey little nursey-girl". I'd like to see Nurses treated professionally, and not lik...
  11. want to help out a friend BUT.....

    You did exactly the right thing. Don't sweat it. If anything you are helping your friend ( who, btw, IMO is just using you for what she can get) to either manage her money well or b) learn that life only offers so many "free-rides". I doubt that she ...
  12. LTC nurse needs some opinions

    Yuppers she needs to be more than reprimanded. But, I don't see that happening, of course I'm sure you don't either. I'd work for as long as you can ( assuming the financial need is there, and if not-leave) while you find another job, write a letter ...
  13. celebrity deliveries

    You're right Blue eyes about high jacking the thread, and to be honest, that was not at all my intentions, honesty. But, like I've said to every other poster, I don't need you to add your 2 cents to the situation, my original point with the post stil...
  14. celebrity deliveries

    Please save it. I have 5 years of listening that same garbage you are trying to feed me. My point was, the Texas RN FNP ( or whatever it is) showed her true colors by her statement, and only people with that rational of thinking believe they are sup...
  15. medicine or wives tale????

    The BabyComp is an ovulation predictor of sorts-with a whole lot of extra du-hickeys added. The time at which you concieve plays a big part in the sex of the baby ( vaginal secretions..etc etc). Like I said, it worked for us. It's really quite a long...