
RunnerRN BSN, RN

Emergency Room

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About RunnerRN

RunnerRN is a BSN, RN and specializes in Emergency Room.

Latest Activity

  1. My new vent - "We can't do this here!"

    But was it necessary to push the patient through the hallway without at least covering him up? I was literally shoved out of the way by the bed being pushed by the RT. It isn't about having more room, it is about the attitude that the staff had that ...
  2. It seems that I've heard this more and more in the last few weeks. Ex 1: unk amount of OD comes into a psych room (smaller, has all the appropriate equipment, but kind of tight). Pt will open eyes to pain or strong verbal. Decision made to intubate...
  3. Dress Codes for the ER

    They don't get ruined. Seriously. I've worked in this position (in a level I) for over 3 years and have worn the same white tops for almost that long. You just wash in hot water and use a little bleach. If you get them spotted with blood just gra...
  4. Dress Codes for the ER

    I'm guessing you're coming to work with me at John's. Don't even bother going against the dress code. It has been in place for over 4 years and really isn't that big of a deal. Charcoal stains anything, and of course you're going to change your sc...
  5. CVC's and PICC's- to use, or to x-ray, then use?

    We do not xray to confirm placement, just confirm through blood return.
  6. NTG IV and compatability

    Wow, old thread. MSO4 is morphine, MgSO4 is mag sulfate. You can see why neither are approved abbreviations now.
  7. Almost lost my temper today

    In what other profession would it be considered "okay" to be abused in such a manner by a client/customer for any period of time? None, of course. Talk to your charge nurse or manager immediately, and tell her that you are tired of being beat up by...
  8. Disturbance During Lunch/Break

    A loud ipod, very dark sunglasses, and book titled "Nursing for Dummies" usually do the trick to keep people from talking to me :) Being serious about the ipod and sunglasses though. Then just pretend you can't see, feel, or hear them.
  9. "New Nurses's Don't Know Anything."

    I find it very hard to go with all the people who are responding "she has had some hard times, let her vent, listen to her, and maybe it will get better." I really don't care how hard someone's life has been, no one has the right to light into me fo...
  10. "IM doesn't work for me"

    Thanks for the replies so far. Like I said, I've never run across any legit pt who would say that, but I didn't want to judge without hearing opinions of others who weren't involved in the situation. Every cell in my body was screaming "seeker" and...
  11. "IM doesn't work for me"

    Had a patient last week who presented with multiple track marks and NO veins. I'm a pretty good stick, and couldn't even find a spider vein to get a 24 in. She claimed migraine, and also stated that "IM phenergan doesn't work for me." Said only th...
  12. who the heck are you...

    Besides having vertical nametags with our info displayed on them, my hospital went to a classified scrub color system a few years ago. Nursing wears navy bottoms with a white top, top has the name of the hospital and "RN" embroidered on it (LPN embr...
  13. Took exam yesterday stop at 265. scared pls helpppppp

    I orient new grads, and my newest orientee called me freaking out last week because she also took the full number of questions. When she tried to look up her pass/fail 2 days later, it gave her a number to call. She passed, but was told she was in ...
  14. Flu Cases

  15. tachycardia question

    I'd be less worried about the HR and more so regarding the decreased SpO2 and fever. Sounds like a raging pneumonia. Not knowing the pt's age and med hx, I can't really pass judgment on the HR and RR. Those would be pretty acceptable numbers for a...