

cardiology-now CTICU

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About cardsRN

cardsRN specializes in cardiology-now CTICU.

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  1. i need some support with an injury

    thank you for asking. i am much better now. stiffness and the occasional spasm. much improved with daily bike riding! and back to my full duties!
  2. i guess the answer is...some. lots of our patients seem doomed from the start (large teaching hospital that operates in cases where you think they should have their heads examined). i still care for every single one the same way. it is dishearteni...
  3. i need some support with an injury

    busy RN and mom- thank you so much for your supportive post. it's weird how at first you think everything is fine. the morning after my shift i was in the ER like, fine- just give me a valium and i'll sleep it off, see you all tonight. maybe not. ...
  4. i need some support with an injury

    flying scot- i am sorry for all you have been through. i need to hear about returning to pt care! i know all will be right in time, the uncertainty just sucks. it is good to hear survivor stories of those of us injured on the job. you should h...
  5. i need some support with an injury

    thank you for replying. i have been to a chiropractor before and i swear he fixed things i didn't even know were broken! i just think i feel so lost. i miss my "real" life where i used to take care of patients, i wish i knew when i would be back t...
  6. So i work in a CVICU, i injured my back moving a patient in early august and have been out of work since. i am doing a light duty job part time in the evenings and i miss patient care and the challenge of ICU so much but that's not the issue. i am s...
  7. ALL Nurses should have to be a REAL patient

    absolutely. and to understand the anger and disappointment and conflicting emotions people feel and how that makes life in general harder by orders of magnitude. also, just a word about judgmental behavior: why is it that when an older person c/o ...
  8. such a confusing situation- long-ish

    ummm... fyi my mother would be making the trip with me to do the "lugging" if, as ruby pointed out, my doc even clears me to travel. (hadn't even considered that part). i guess that i am optimistic that with the PT i will recover quickly. the part i...
  9. such a confusing situation- long-ish

    wow thanks for all the responses you guys! the doc i saw this week said there is no way to tell how long i will need to be out of work. now i am on motrin, skelaxin and valium and am still having pain to the point that i cannot stand or sit for pro...
  10. let me start at the beginning. i work fri/sat/sun nights. my unit is not staffed well and the summer vacation time was alloted by seniority at the beginning of may. this amounted to 4 shifts off for the period of may-sept. for me. took 3 as a long...
  11. Colleagues who call in sick, but aren't.

    this is such a sticky question. there are those who abuse, and everyone always works short. everyone feels that your unit is the one always floating and never receiving floats, so you know that your sick call won't be covered. it makes you feel gu...
  12. i recently dreamed that a large man i had taken care of for the weekend was falling out of bed head first and no one would help me. there i was, holding him by the shoulders, vent alarming, swan pulling out, trying to keep him from falling and all m...
  13. my heart goes out to all those who live in pain every day. i can't imagine how draining and disheartening it must be. one poster mentioned a 24/7 pain service that manages all narcotic orders- what a beautiful idea! our pain services is not in hou...
  14. Have you seen late pregnancy turn women into monsters?

    it's hormonal, just be sure to thank and apologize after the birth. pedicures helped me keep my cool. just a few minutes to sit alone and be pampered. so nice that i still do it now.
  15. CO2 and hydration

    just popping in to say go team! great discussion and way to keep it civil! we need more of this kind of spirit of debate on these boards! :w00t: