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  1. This is exactly my dilemma! I want to do a second degree program or a direct-entry NP program, but I was a liberal arts undergrad so I have to do most of the pre-reqs. At 47, I really don't want to spend any more time than necessary. So now I am t...
  2. What drives you on?

    I actually am fairly far into a very well-payiong career - but it gives me zero sense of fulfillment. Although it can be technically challenging at times (though rarely) I find it boring beyond belief. No human interactrion, 8 hours a day at a term...
  3. My dilemma - prereqs and time

    "I work at a LTC and they have a scholarship and I work on the weekends that gives the largest pay rate." I just don't know if I have the stamina to work, go to school full-time, AND have a life!
  4. Returning To school at 44?

    My big problem is that I am 47, and work full time. I really do notr know if I can deal with taking pre-reqs one at a time while working full time and THEN have to do another 2 years. I want to quit working at go to school full-time, but don;t know...
  5. I am in my late 40s, and, after 20+ years in IT, want to change careers. My problem is that I am working full-time, and realistically can only take 1 pre-req at a time. I have a Master's degree (Publica Dmin) so I feel fairly confident I can get int...
  6. A&P for Summer 2006

    I am taking a class at Norethern Virginia Community College that is a two-course series combining A & P and micro-biology. I have set up a forums for people in the class. I've been posting the instructors notes with links I have added to sites I...
  7. I can see both sides of this. My husband spent 6 years getting his PhD (in anopther state). So I developed my own interests and activities to keep busy, which did cause some friction. How did your husband feel about your going back to school? ...
  8. Is professor homophobic or just tough?

    I wish the OP had given examples.... That said, even if the instructor is a homophobe, there is nothing anyone can do about that: all one can do is one's best.
  9. victim of biggot school

    XXXXXXXXXXX I think the original poster needs to find out why the instructor is giving her the grades she does without assuming that it is bias. While it is true she may be friendlier with some students than others, it could also be that those stude...
  10. How do you all feel about volunteers???

    Speaking as a former volunteer who is now considering going to nursing school... I endeared myself to many nurses by asnwering call lights: if it was something I could do, (get a bed pan or water, help adjust bed, etc) I did it and told the nurse, i...
  11. victim of biggot school

    Go to the instructor and ask her to review the exam with you. XXXX but it is highly unl;ikely she would give you a poor grade if you answered most of the questions correctly. You need to put yourself forward and demonstrate that you want to do well. ...
  12. Reading this makes me wonder if there should not at least be an intercom so you could talk to the pt to ask what they want before going to their room... Or maybe have a phone the patients could use for non-urgent requests with an operator to triage t...
  13. "I once had a patient who called me to the room to wipe his butt because he did not wipe his own butt at home....his wife did. (I'm not kidding about this):rotfl: That same patient would call me to his room to pull the bedside table closer to him, ...
  14. I want to projectile vomit right now (rant)

    Could you just do the extra coursework? or is it the clinicals being short-changed?
  15. My Dad diagnosed with cancer: Questions

    You need to develop a rappor with his doctors, as they can best answer these questions for you. Also, ask if the hospital where he is getting chemo has any support group for cancer patients and their families. Most hospitals have social workers, hte...