Irish Lass

Irish Lass

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  1. Average LOS in your ER

    Look for data - perhaps you need a nurse at triage after 11. Do this by tracking patients/hr - most IS systems have this info and can give it to you. Also, reevaluate your fast track hours of operation. Perhaps it needs to be open later. IF you c...
  2. Funniest real orders you have seen in a chart?

    On inpatient order sheet: CTBKLO ... of course I had to ask! Coffin to bediside, keep lid open
  3. get this one

    Over the years I have seen some great names. These 2 are my favorites: Pajama (last a is a long a sound) Shithead pronounced phonetically Shith eed
  4. Another Scam!!!

    poor, poor inspector.... here in mardi gras land you only get to see the tata's if you have really awesome beads to exchange!!!
  5. Co-pays in the ER

    One of my business professors used to talk about a phenomenon he called the "prostitute syndrome" - the value of the service diminishes after the service has been rendered. I have no problem with our registration folk collecting co-pays and any mo...
  6. What would your dream ER have?

    ER GURU from Metairie - dream on..... :-)
  7. Patient flow in the ER

    Write down your thoughts and objectives. If there are enough willing souls, form a task force group to work out the "rules" and logistics. In your presentation acknowledge who "wins" and why if your process is approved. Don't expect immediate success...
  8. Nursing Superstitions!

    One hospital EDI worked in we refused to order pizza to be delivered nor would we discuss that night's party/potluck. Sure as we did the traumas would come. It was OK however, for someone to bring pizza so long as it wasn't the delivery person. Also...
  9. ER Documentations

    I am the Administrative Director in an ED that sees about 55,000. I have also been in the trenches for well over 20 years. We recently began using ED nursing specific documentation. See it at: It is complaint specific, very thoroug...