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About swyswy

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  1. Funny things patients say !

    Doing OBGYN telephone advice this week, I had a patient ask me, "I'm thinking of trying to get pregnant. How do I stop my birth control pills?" We pass around the TSTB* questions when we need a laugh... (* too stupid to breed) color me clueless, 8/1...
  2. Funny things patients say !

    Working in L/D, I had a pt march up to the desk one morning, dressed as cute as could be, hair and makeup perfect, and announce, "its my due date. Here I am!" (needless to say, NO criteria for admission!) Gotta love those poor girls in labor who can...
  3. Funny Names for Nurses

    My first dentist was Dr Shock. He had terrible breath AND bad dandruff. I hated opening my mouth c his head hovering over mine!