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About LissRN07

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  1. New grad in ICU

    I will most definitely look into that! Thanks!!!
  2. New grad in ICU

    Good to know! I know I have to pay my dues in some respect, which I have no problem with, but I'd rather do it in critical care if possible. I hope I get the chance to dive right in. Thanks for the feedback!
  3. New grad in ICU

    Wow, thanks for the response! This is some of the best advice I've received yet. I will definitely take all of this into consideration. I have heard a ton about ICU being the place where you'll meet some of the most intimidating nurses you'll encount...
  4. New grad in ICU

    Thanks for the response! I am currently looking for positions in an ICU that I'd be qualified for. Because my program is accelerated our practicum/preceptorship is only 8 shifts and likely not in an ICU (downfalls of an accelerated program) but hope...
  5. New grad in ICU

    Hi everyone 🙂 I am currently a nursing student in an accelerated BSN program in which I have a little less than a year until graduation. I still have quite a few clinical rotations to experience, however my heart has always been set on working i...