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About tarabean19

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  1. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    Congratulations!!! í ½í¸ I got mine, too, and I'll be at Fauquier!! Enjoy this summer before "grind time"!!!!
  2. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    Cool! So if they're mailed out today (Wednesday), maybe we'll have them by the end of the week! :-) I guess I won't stalk my mailman today, hahaha!
  3. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    Hahaha!!! I haven't started stalking the mail guy yet...figured maybe in the next week hopefully it would come...and then I saw online where it said due to the high volume of applications, they're asking everyone to please be patient. :-/ Blech. That...
  4. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    Yeah, A&P is definitely challenging!!! I'm in the final stretch! Two more units to complete, and I'm DONE!!! :) At least it's giving me some distraction while I wait to get that mail!! Haha!
  5. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    I'm not really sure, actually! I think it'd by by semester, since the classes are different. But, there could be an option to get them all at once! And I think some of the books are used for more than one class. What area do you live in? And which sc...
  6. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    So, are you attending Fauquier or Middletown? I assume the clinical rotation sites are different depending on which campus you're at, right? That's so cool to have the chance to try hands on at so many different types/areas of nursing! I actually wor...
  7. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    VaCNA2RN, That's AWESOME!!! Congratulations! That's so exciting!! :) I'd love to hear about your experience! Your favorite parts, most challenging parts, your "must have" items, your study routine...whatever! Do you know if students are eligible to...
  8. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    jfoltz - Thanks for your reply!! :) It does feel like forever, haha! Waiting is hard! In some regards, time feels like it's moving so slowly...but then I realize we're already at the end of March, a quarter of the way through the new year already! Wh...
  9. Fall 2017 Hopefuls - LFCC Fauquier

    I've applied for the Fall 2017 ADN program at LFCC, and just got an email today letting me know that my application packet is complete! Yay for nothing missing!!! Now, the 1-2 month wait to find out whether I'm accepted or not! How am I passing the t...