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About Reigh7

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  1. Reigh7

    Can Text Convay Enough

    Suit-yourself-up when you understand that I do mean Effects not only Affects you may find you are hurting yourself and not me. Some are now finding themselves in a lawsuit over negative comments that turned into actual Slander effecting countless job...
  2. Reigh7

    Can Text Convay Enough

    Nope I meant Effect as in cause and Effect. From your own link Quote: "Adding to the confusion, effect can also be used as a verb to mean to produce or to cause to come into being. Here's an example that uses it correctly, A government unabl...
  3. Reigh7

    Can Text Convay Enough

    When it comes to internet forums can just textual words convey enough. I say not "enough". -The lack of human interaction for one. -The lack of tone of voice. -Eye contact. -Mutual respect for each other as human. -Not having a two way conversation w...
  4. Reigh7

    AllNurses Staff ... Who are you? =)

    Thanks Joe V that was fast! Is there a way for a site admin to setup some sort of auditing that allows you to look back for stuff like that. I would not have captured all of that detail in my head or did you have to trial and error debug it until it ...
  5. Reigh7

    AllNurses Staff ... Who are you? =)

    FutureDNP2021 I would like to talk with you more I haven't visited this in a long time but that is not evident as I just re-registered under this email address from my website not my personal email account. I could not get my old user name to log in ...