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About ParasMom

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  1. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    I have no qualms with midwives. A midwife delivered my birth child in 1999 (a completely "natural" birth since it was done in under 6 hours ... no one thougth that I would progress that quickly, but I did and the NMV delivered the baby after checkin...
  2. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    Point 1 --> I didn't coin "nature nazis" as it came from my OB/GYN and I used it for lack of a better phrase. I respect any birth plan that a woman makes -- be it at home or in a hospital. My problem is with those women who want to scare other wom...
  3. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    That summed up my entire post! Thank you so much ... you said it better than I did ... and in a much shorter form. Thank you again!
  4. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    That's it. I am a patient advocate 100%. If a woman brings in a birth plan that says that she is opting for a non-medicated birth, then I will respect that. If she shows interest in pain management, but I will respect that, too. I am having a problem...
  5. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    imo, that is the way that it should be. but, as with everything else, this is not always the case. i am dealing with one doula in particular who has gone on a message board to rant about her client who had a c-section. she -- and some of her nn cr...
  6. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    I'm dealing with the breast issue right now. Granted, I nursed my daughter and we are still working on weaning (she's over a year old...). and I am a big advocate of breast feeding. However, there is a huge push to stop forumla companies from being a...
  7. How do you deal with anti-OB people?

    I completely agree that each woman should be able to deliver as she sees fit. What I am talking about are those people who scare pregnant women into a "natural" child birth. For example: * Telling a woman that having an epidural will harm her child, ...
  8. I'm half-way to obtaining my ADN and have recently discovered that there are people out there who are not only anti-OB/GYN but are against any medical interventions at all during pregnancy. I talked to my OB/GYN for over an hour last week about some ...
  9. Adoption Issues

    And you think that you deserve a child? You need anger management therapy first, in my opinion. I am so glad that you are not the poster child for adoptive parents in this country.
  10. Adoption Issues

    What on earth?!?! As a birthmother, I am floored at your post! My birthdaughter's adoptive parents were chosen by me and were even in the delivery room. I kept my birthdaughter in the room with me the ENTIRE time, and while it broke my heart to hand...