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About joyart24

joyart24 has 2 years experience and specializes in Geriatrics.

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  1. Life Span 3 HELP!!!!

    Thanks for replying. I was actually just uses study group 101 notes but I just feel it's not enough, so I've actually ordered all of the required text. Good luck on passing!!! The last few test really make you work for it, but I know we'll get it!!!!
  2. Life Span 3 HELP!!!!

    Today, I was scheduled to take Life Span 3, but I rescheduled. I was totally freaking out!!! I failed LS2 but have been studying my tush off for LS3 but I need some advice on how to studying for these exams. Any thing will help. Please give your advi...
  3. Excelsior 5 nursing tests down 3 to go before FCCA

    Tony you are doing great and we are at the exact same point in excelsior's program. So study hard because the last few are a bit more in depth but I know we can do it. Good luck!!!!
  4. Chronicity help please

    If I remember correctly I paid $57 for all the notes.
  5. Chronicity help please

    I took Chronicity last week and I must say it was a little hard but i did use SG101 too, just study you'll pass!!!
  6. Well I love studygroup 101 notes, perfect for me. Just study a bit more and don't over think the questions. Good Luck!!
  7. new nurse, cna with attitude

    Well, start documenting...meaning give her a warning, then write her up, then whatever is nexts. Follow your facilities protocol and she'll have to deal with the consequences. Don't stop being nice because she is rude, just do your job and continue t...
  8. Not Accepted to Nursing School

    Keep trying!!! There are many schools and if this is truly you dream apply to them all. Something will give. Good Luck!!
  9. Help my computer shut off at 88 questions

    I took mine today and it shut off at 85....soooooooooooo nervous!!! But, good luck!!!
  10. BSN vs ADN

    I would say go for SLU!! If you intend to go back for your masters you might as well do your BSN now. I know you are considering CSN and thinking it is less expensive but if you get your ASN now you will have to pay for your BSN next and the price wi...
  11. Delta

    Well, the test is pretty basic to get into Delta. I was having a hard time with the math but they allow you to study and retake, I think 3xs. Don't believe people don't hire graduates from Delta...not true at all!!! Now hospitals don't have many pos...
  12. Delta

    Delta is ok, I attend now. Like any other nursing school it is demanding. There are lots of rules that you may not like but Delta is a good school. They will give you the tools you need to pass state boards. Good luck with your decision.
  13. Anyone Know Of Any Online Lpn Programs

    If there is any online LPN programs it won't be accepted in louisiana. Lpn is something you really should do in a class setting. Once you're an lpn then getting your rn is something you can do online.
  14. About MA Schooling!

    I never attended blue cliff, but I am a medical assistant. I don't regret becoming a MA, but I am now in LPN school, and I feel I should've done that anyway. The good thing about being a MA is that you have a few options. You can work in a lab as a p...
  15. LPN student at Delta College B.R.

    :welcome:I'm starting the LPN program at Delta in Feb. I'm so interested in speaking with someone that attended. Please give me some feedback.