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  1. Getting over a med error, what now?

    I have made med errors. Thankfully minor ones. I'd rather miss a med than give the wrong one. I to triple checks on every med. Even with triple checks it's still possible to miss med. Nothing adverse happened. Forgive yourself and move on.
  2. No injections through a tattoo?

    There is absolutely no contraindication with injectables/IV's and tattoos. The ink becomes one with the skin. It is not simply on top of it like drawing on yourself with an ink pen. A fresh tattoo should be avoided if possible, the skin is raw beca...
  3. Hi. Newbie

    Hi all. I'm a 3rd yr nursing student. I go to school in Phoenix, AZ. I plan to work a few years and then go back to get my DNP. I would like to be a Women's NP. Looking forward to reading related posts.