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  1. Advice for making the most of a short orientation?

    First, let's figure out what "Orientation" means in this case...Are you talking about Hospital Orientation where you sit in auditorium for a few days worth of safety lectures, mission statement talks and be a part of the team videos, followed by week...
  2. I honestly wouldn't worry about reading ahead. You'll get plenty of time reading the stuff you'll need to know for class. Take this time to just get yourself ready...make sure you have a good support system of people (and you'll meet some along the w...
  3. psych help!!!

    I was scared when I started my psych clinical, too. I'm a pretty small woman, and after the safety lectures our school gave pre-clinicals that quarter I had convinced myself that I was going to end up getting beat up by a patient. Nothing could have...
  4. What do do while waiting to graduate?

    Yes, definitely take advantage of volunteer opportunities at your local hospitals (any one you'd consider working for) I volunteered at a hospital, that eventually turned into a Tech/PCA job for while I was in school, and then an RN job after graduat...
  5. Inaccurate story on CNN?

    I'd also like to know what kind of dressing change takes "a team four hours"....even a large percent head-to-toe total care dressing seems to take about 90min or less if you've got 2-3 people working together (nurses/techs)
  6. Wright State Nursing School!

    DIV, Wright State has an awesome program! The profs are top-notch, and the program definitely prepares you! The clinical sites are indeed varied enough to give you plenty of perspective...I had placements at (and this was a pretty typical WSU experi...
  7. ER nurse wondering whats the best way to treat burns

    I work peds burn unit, when we do our admission dressing for a deep 2nd/third degree, we wash with hibaclens/sterile water then slather on about 1/4 inch thick layer of Silvadene right on the wound (no Xenoform/Adaptic at this stage) and then cover w...
  8. Currently working as a peds burns nurse....never did a rotation in school (a few of my classmates did Adult Burn ICU during our critical care rotation...I ended up in Adult Trauma ICU, just a luck of the draw kind of thing). Honestly never seriously...
  9. Pediatric vital signs

    I second the OP: RR first (while they're sleeping or just "checking you out" them a minute to adjust to a new person in the room) HR next (while they're still calm) BP next (because they're usually ticked after their temperature and less like...
  10. somebody help please

    While you're in prenursing, take advantage of the more flexible class schedule you have now and get into the hospital to learn. Volunteer at a hospital in your areas of interest. NICUs sometimes having waiting lists of people who want to "rock babie...
  11. Wright State Nursing School!

    heh, i know a bit about taking some time to figure things out. I started at UD, had four various majors (education, psych, etc), became and EMT and fell in love with medicine as a career. Took some time to explore PA school, med school, and nursing s...
  12. Wright State Nursing School!

    Graduated from WSU Nursing in June (2009). Get ready to work hard, learn a lot in a very short amount of time, and start an awesome career that really does "save lives every day." I'd recommend that you think about what it would take for you to get o...
  13. May I recommend using I just listed a Saunders and an Evolve book on there last night and they both sold already, with payment on the way. Some tips: I used it to sell some regular textbooks, made about $250 on six books- cur...
  14. I just took my NCLEX Thursday August 20th in Ohio. I've discovered a few things along the way that might be of help to those still waiting to test or waiting anxiously for results. 1. PearsonVue results do not always take 3 business days. I checked ...
  15. WANTED: Nursing student tidbits of advice

    The lab values book was most useful for understand what high/low labs meant and what treatments would be used to fix them. Each hospital sets their own "normal" lab values, so knowing a ballpark is good, but if you try to memorize them all from your ...