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About acim

After years of grueling and trying to make this happen, I graduated and successfully passed the boards to become an LPN. I have a ways to go but am super proud of my accomplishment. Here's to many more!

Latest Activity

  1. ATI TEAS VI: A Detailed Breakdown

    Hi SaltyBones! I signed in just to thank you for such a detailed breakdown-seriously, thank you! I wanted to ask why you chose assessment B over C or the combo? I'm wondering if there is a difference in them individually. Congrats on ...
  2. Quitting my 1st RN job

    LOL. She hasn't...she's way ahead of the game. Her silence and knowing when to stop beating a dead horse is The absolute best response on AN. *unsubscribed*
  3. Quitting my 1st RN job

    Well said. I hope you don't get flamed for it. OP, live and learn and then go do great things. We were all allowed to learn, whether it be the easy way or the hard way. You got your advice and now you and only you get to choose. It is your given righ...
  4. LPN - I really think I hate being a nurse

    BSNbeDONE, your post gave me so much life í ½í¸ƒ
  5. I got fired

    Wow. That sucks. I'm really sorry that this happened. I know you said they did you a favor but being treated like you could do nothing right by your administration is an awful feeling. I do hope you find a place that will appreciate your efforts. Bi...
  6. Yep. Nurses do "eat their young"

    Whispers amen
  7. I&D...sterile procedure?

  8. Method 3 Route to LVN

    I've personally never heard of this method but would absolutely love to hear of others who has and or done it.
  9. I&D...sterile procedure?

    When I worked general surgery outpatient, all the surgeons used sterile technique for certain I&Ds. The only time that procedure became a clean one was when the colorectal patients popped in...
  10. Have been told LPN BAD idea

    Gosh, I really don't want to come across as some sort of flamer or nitpicker but I'm curious...nurses do the dirty work of...nurses? Because that doesn't quite make sense to me. LPNs are nurses. Nurses do dirty work-period... To contribute my 2 cents...
  11. Can LPNs do nursing care plan

    I just recently printed a copy this week for my reference. From what I have read, no, lpns aren't allowed to "develop" a nursing plan...but as Commuter stated I believe we can add on to it after its been initiated by an RN. It would help if the board...
  12. I enjoyed this. Well thought out, mature, and very well written. 1 million likes if I could.
  13. Clinic to SNF?

    So I know that this topic has been beaten to death and I have been through majority of the archives that I could find on here but here it is again :) I was a medical assistant for years and recently became an LPN. I had difficulty finding a job and f...
  14. Do you stalk anyone here?

    Yep, sure do! And they never knew I existed till now lol Farawyn Been there, done that The Commuter And as of late Dogen No rhyme or reason....cept Been there, done that....something about her posts makes me merry inside like Xmas morning.
  15. Suicide Season