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About Lamby

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  1. Legal Nurse Consulting

    HI, I am an OR nurse. I have a BSN and one year of experience. I am interested in nurse legal consulting. I have read that I either need more experience or more education to really enter the field, but I do know of a nurse legal consultant who starte...
  2. New Career

    I am a new nurse that got into a pilot OR nurse residency program. I signed a 2 year contract with the hospital and unfortunately hate it. There are many reasons (toxic environment/people, bad management) just all together hate doing it. I dread goin...
  3. Cosmetic job hunting

    I have recently graduated with my BSN and have passed boards. I want desperately to go into cosmetic nursing and learn injections as well as skin treatments. I am having the most difficult time finding available job opportunities for me. Most plastic...
  4. UTMB FALL 2015

    Congrats to everyone who was accepted! Best wishes to those still waiting! :) Okay so I accepted the offer and paid the $200 deposit, but then my check mark went back to a green circle and there was no new info on my main student page. Is that normal...
  5. UTMB FALL 2015

    The page won't load, but my connection is fine.
  6. UTMB FALL 2015

    Is anyone having trouble getting into their my star?
  7. UTMB FALL 2015

    Does anyone know when they send out early acceptance emails?
  8. UTMB FALL 2015

    So if we didn't get an invite today, then we have to wait another 2 weeks? I'm already going crazy and it's just the beginning!!