

TCU, Dementia care, nurse manager

Gained experience with excellent nursing assts, nurses, and docs, including a hugely experienced, caring DON. Second career.

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About bbyRN

bbyRN has 9 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in TCU, Dementia care, nurse manager.

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  1. Your claim that capitalism is at fault, as if central planning - socialism, etc - would solve anything is at best a mistake and naive. If you think the national HC systems of the small countries in Europe can scale to US size, that's wrong, that...
  2. Gobbledygook In Nursing

    Fully staffed. That's a joke. Fully staffed = understaffed. There has always been a shortage of nurses. The only reason that there was any controversy about this is because those who hire nurses refuse to hire enough. The need is always ther...
  3. Humble Nurses Do This

    I should have added: Easier said than done. It is so hard to have commitments to multiple parties, circumstances. I've worked in corporations before becoming a nurse. The mantra was always "Do more with less". How convenient! ZDoggMD tal...
  4. Tips for Avoiding Medication Errors

    Staffing. More nurses. Especially! in LTC. I've been there. It's sick. And in LTC, the management wants these to be more "home" style. Yeah, crushing meds and taking the time to help dementia and early dementia residents to take their meds...
  5. Nursing Jobs for a Disabled Nurse

    Thanks Rose_Queen and RNLovinglife ?. Here's a website that might be helpful for anyone looking for a remote (work at home job). You can look around and see the offerings yourself. I am amazed at the quality of the website and the job ...
  6. Yep. Another option. Get a MSN (sorry, more debt maybe) and get a nursing informatics major. There are so many non-clinical nursing jobs out there. It's crazy. Get certified in one or more of the gazillion certificates available and either work for t...
  7. Nurse vs Respiratory

    What's there to discuss or feel bad about? The RT didn't document it, the pt said that they didn't recv it, the pt was SOB, then the RT interferes with you caring for another pt, violates HIPAA, destroys the patient's trust in her care, is a jerk, gi...
  8. The Stigma of Men in Nursing

    As a 2nd career, I worked as an RN for 3.5 years, 1.5 as a nurse manager on a dementia floor and TCU, and 3 years as a CNA in dementia and TCU. (Got sidelined with a blood cancer and hope to get back to work soon.) I did not experience hostility or o...
  9. Hi. I'm looking to support healthcare in a decent job using my RN but as an RN with a new disability. I am about a year post bone marrow transplant (BMT) and in the process of living a new life with graft-vs-host-disease (GVH, GVHD), after effects of...
  10. More or less like many other nurses have commented, but in my own words: Is anybody listening (ie active listening like we are supposed to do) and do they have the commitment and power to make the necessary changes? How do we find these people and im...
  11. Humble Nurses Do This

    Two things: 1. Humility includes acknowledging that one is unable to help someone and admit that. The example of what would you do if a new nurse (or an old nurse) asked for help inserting a catheter at the end of the shift. If your 4 year old is wai...
  12. Ask Me If I'm Safe At Home

    Thanks for sharing your story. It make me, and others, better nurses and better people.
  13. What do you do when admin doesn't have your back?

    I agree with this. What are your (OP) considerations? To be tough and tough it out? See the advice above. To have a decent (maybe great, maybe OK - it doesn't all depend on you - that's an ego-minded philosophy that has nothing to do with reality)...
  14. Maybe on break while eating? Ask her just how long she spent scouting the nurses. BTW, there's no time to play cards in LTC. My nurses are some of the the most dedicated people I have met..
  15. Quitting during BIG investigation

    How do you know it was only 5ml short last weekend? How are the amounts kept track of? Isn't there a notebook with signatures of the nurses or tma's who worked each shift? If not, then management screwed up with policy. Why is a big bottle of narc ha...