UMSON, Fall NO ONE applying?! :) :)

U.S.A. Maryland


Am I in the wrong place?? I would think that there would be a lot of chatter with the deadline being tomorrow!

I am sure there are oodles applying. Now...where is everyone?!

Gosh, all this anxiety. I'm kinda glad that I'm not the only one having nightmares and dreams and thoughts of this on a daily basis! I just wish we could hear something! I graduate from AACC in May with my associates, but UMSON would be my first bachelors degree. I applied to Stevenson also, but they were quick to say no because of a mix up with some liberal art courses :/

/: I'm sorry about that! There was a mix up with me and some english courses at Maryland but a nice lady from the committee emailed me asking when I would take the correct classes. *crossing my fingers*

I don't think calling will get you much information. Even if they know calls will be going out today or tomorrow, they will still tell you decisions will go out by the end of the month. It's like when you go to a restaurant and the hostess tells you it will be a 45 minute wait and you get seated after 15 min. It's a way to keep you from flooding their phone lines every 5 minutes concerning admission. Of course, this is just my opinion.

Alright peeps, go check your status. My status just changed to decision made. I'm in.

Good luck, folks!

I knew I shouldn't have checked ;(. Nothing on mine, must mean rejected. I actually wish they would tell us rejects first :)

Did anyone else get the status update?

I knew I shouldn't have checked ;(. Nothing on mine, must mean rejected. I actually wish they would tell us rejects first :)

Give it some time. They may just be entering them into the system right now. If you were rejected it would say so.

Congrats! Mine still doesn't say anything...oh god.

give it some time. they may just be entering them into the system right now. if you were rejected it would say so.

based on last year, if you got wait listed, your status would remain "

committee ready"

anyone else updated?

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