Number ONE on waitlist! So frustrating

U.S.A. Maryland


I meant to post this on the main nursing board so sorry for the double post.

Hey Guys,

So, I applied for Howard Community College's Fall 2010 evening/weekend program and assumed I would be waitlisted. I was, but was given a number of 7. Recently, I was told that I am now number ONE on the waitlist! So, I am getting super excited about the possibility that I will get in this fall, but at the same time, there is a big chance I won't. It is so hard not to get my hopes up. So I have a whole month for one person to decide to not start the program for whatever reason, or for one of the 6 people ahead of me to decline their seats in the program. My advisor told me the six people ahead of me have until next week to decide. This not knowing is just driving me nuts! They say they will let people into the program off of the waitlist up until one day before classes start! Then I would be a mad rush to get uniforms, supplies, books, immunizations, etc. :uhoh3: I suppose I should not complain because at least there is a chance I might slip in.

I guess I just needed to vent and let some of my excitement out!! Why didn't you ever call? I thought we had a great time. LOL

Totally joking... I am still *kind of stumped. You either have the wrong person, a very nice imagination or just like confusing people.

Well I would have called if I had your number! LOL

No No I believe I have the right person because we talked about this over dinner and drinks! Hint one: It was a Tuesday night

Okay, now this is really getting interesting!

Well I would have called if I had your number! LOL

No No I believe I have the right person because we talked about this over dinner and drinks! Hint one: It was a Tuesday night

LOL. Well then...clearly I need to invest in some gingko biloba because my memory must be really going. Ok then, I think I will need hint # 2?! Can I get any "phone a friends"? I don't think asking the audience will help much here. :lol2:

LOL. Well then...clearly I need to invest in some gingko biloba because my memory must be really going. Ok then, I think I will need hint # 2?! Can I get any "phone a friends"? I don't think asking the audience will help much here. :lol2:

Your first initial starts with an M correct? I actually forgot your name but M sounds about right.

Your first initial starts with an M correct? I actually forgot your name but M sounds about right.

Nope, starts with a T. Lol... Sorry I think you do have the wrong person. The funny thing is I thought I knew who you were but were just playing a trick on me.

Well my short term memory sucks also, I don't remember names to much. Unless there was another person that I was hanging out with that had the same story as you!

Ok well this will make it or break it, do you have a friend named Michelle?

Hi Tag2007;

Can u update us on what happened? Have u started the program?

Im waitlisted also..number 40-something.. and I applied for fall 2011..Sooo frustrating..

Tag 2007,

Where r u? Did you get accepted? Please give us an update!!!

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