U.S.A. Maryland


Hello...i was just wondering if anyone was planning on going or are going to AACC for there nursing program and prereq.? I am going there right now to do my prereq. for the nursing program...hopefully i will be able to apply to the nursing program in 2011.

There are a couple threads going already for new entries to the program. I am finishing up my 1st year and really enjoyed it thus far.

oh ok i going to have to find them thanx

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Make sure you are in county because they will take a C student from AA county over a 4.0 student from somewhere else. :rolleyes:

Make sure you are in county because they will take a C student from AA county over a 4.0 student from somewhere else. :rolleyes:

Yea i was reading that on AACC's website luckly I live in AAC...Thanks

I have applied already for fall 2010. Im in county, and already have a BS in healthcare management, hoping I get accepted but very nervous I won't. I didn't get accepted at Hopkins, and I have applications in at Towson, Univ of MD also.

AACC is pretty straight forward, GPA driven in their admission. What was your cumulative GPA in the admission pre requisites? If it is above a 3.5, you have a pretty good chance. If not, you may need to consider re-taking a class.

UMD tries to look at a bigger picture in it's admission strategy - in my experiance. However, all will have their "minimum" requirements for application, and then their minimum requirements- meaning the actual cut off GPA of folks that were admitted. Typically, they are far off. Of course, I doubt I need to tell you that :)

hmm I was hoping having a BS would be a plus on my side as far as admissions go, but maybe it wont make a difference for aacc. My GPA from my BS is 3.17, and I have a 2.5 at aacc currently (cumm.), taking 3 classes this spring so hoping I can get that up some, I got two c's and 2 b's in the fall so it lowered it a lot.

AACC doesn't look at anything but your Pre-Req GPA. Go to the Nursing program orientation (it doesn't take long, just an hour or so in the evening) and that will answer a lot of your questions. When I went they said they take 72 applicants per semester and take in-county applicants first. A bunch of people asked about previous degrees, work experience, etc. and they made it very clear that they don't care about all that. I'm finishing up my pre-reqs there and applying to CCBC for their online/hybrid program in the Spring because AACC only offers the RN program during the day. AACC is a great school, but doesn't really help the working adult in that regard.

All true. Last semester, they had over 240 applicants for 72 slots. They are beginning to pffer many classes with an online option, but you still can't do it with a regular 9-5 gig. Some folks work FT who work odd hours- hospital, restaurant, et cet.

ok thanks for the info! So do you know if it is harder to get into ccbc if you are not a Baltimore county resident?

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
ok thanks for the info! So do you know if it is harder to get into ccbc if you are not a Baltimore county resident?

Last I heard CCBC did not discriminate against out of county residents and once accepted you will get incounty tuition rates based on the statewide manpower thing.

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