kicked out of nursing school

Nursing Students Male Students


I was late to a second clinical. Felt crappy lately and overslept(severe prostatitis problem). Any suggestions what I can say at a meeting with the director to redeem myself?

Sorry to hear, how were grades? As we all know clinicals teach what it's REALLY like to be a nurse (sarcasm...). For two times I could see a suspension but dismissal? That's BS. I was late once because I got days swapped in my head for some odd reason and dropped a letter grade. Stuff happens...

Can you appeal?

The whole situation reminded me of a job I had at a school that I got fired from. I knew I wasn't going to last from the beginning. The supervisor was always on my case from the beginning and didn't ever let up. That is how my whole experience has been at this school. I did complete one year though. I don't know why it had to be that way. I think I am a nice person, but I got on their bad side and was treated like a piece of dirt from the beginning of the semester. I wanted to just drop before the cutoff, but my mother convinced me not to. So I guess I got my wish, but I'm out $2000 or so. Normally I would be angry about being told I was worthless for being in pain and missing my engagements, but I couldn't figure out why I was the target of anger when I basically sabotaged myself.

Specializes in ICU / Urgent Care.

Now you know what it takes

Question is

How bad do you want it?

Now you know what it takes

Question is

How bad do you want it?

I need to step up. That is for sure. My motivation has been lacking since I haven't been sleeping. I got a plan to figure out my medical problems and I certainly have plenty of time.

She should have vomited all over that instructor. How could a nurse be so unfeeling. Yes, she's an instructor but also a nurse. How could she teach students to show compassion but yet exercise none herself?


I say beg like u never have before. Good luck

At the university where I went/left the instructors were the ones who were always late. For labs they would walk in together 30mins late unprepared with their cups of soda like nothing, everyone standing around waiting. They were even an hr late to finals & they walked in saying "nursing takes patients guys." Ughh very unprofessional!!

Ppl signed in & left no one ever noticed or had respect for the school/instructors.

My point is If they let you slide then they would have to bend the rules for everyone then your school would end up like the one I unfortunately went to. But hopefully they let you back in with a doctors note.

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