CHARITY SON Spring 2013

U.S.A. Louisiana


I just submitted my application to Charity School of Nursing for the Spring 2013 semester. The deadline is May 15, 2012. Has anyone else out there applied for this semester?

@mcphierce- I definitly feel underprepared for this check off myself and I didn't see a guideline for the checkoff either..

Is check-off tuesday or wednesday?

tired, who is your instructor?

Im not sure if we can post names on here but I am on team 3.

How is everyone doing? Ready for the fun-filled weekend of studying?!

I take the lack of responses for an answer ;P

Lol! I've been studying so much my eye twitches

Now that you are all into the full swing of things....As far as classes go would you recommed a laptop or tablet. I am not talking about clinicals as I will use my phone with apps for anything I need b/c it can stay in my pocket.

I don't know about anyone else but we are not allowed phones during clinical hours. That may be just while on the floor but I still keep mine in my car or bag and don't touch it until after. As for laptop or tablet...I would go for a laptop. If you are going to get all the "e-books" then get a laptop. The app that is used on the tablets is horrible. I still recommend, if you can afford, get the hard cover books along with the e-books. Tablets are excellent but I have seen more people prefer laptops over them during class. Good luck with everything!! Just remember, stay on top of readings and don't overstudy! Seriously, it is possible...

Second level student here. Well, it depends on the instructor on the phone/no phone rule. I was able to use and bring my phone last semester to look up meds & develop care plans but this semester, phones are a no-no with my instructor. I have all my texts in hardcover books but all my references books in app form; there are really good apps on the Google Play Store (Android user here) for nursing. For tablet vs laptop, it's just preference. I do have a Samsung Note 10.1 tablet that uses a stylus so I can take notes and write on my powerpoints instead of printing them out.

If you can afford it I'd recommend an Apple Ipad. They work wonderful with the ebooks! I havn't had any problems with the app on it for the ebooks. I feel as though using a laptop is too much "bulk". The ipad is more personable, and you lay down, sit, whatever with it comfortably. Its definitly alot nicer having all my books on my ipad vs throwing around and carrying heavy textbooks everywhere. So def give it some thought..

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