Irish nurse looking to relocate..

World International


Hi I'm an RGN and I qualified in 2013. I've been doing Agency work since in the hospitals. Lately I've been thinking about relocating. I'm open to working in any country. I would love to relocate permanently to the U.S. Where would I start with this? Is

difficult to get into? Are there any companies or agencies that specifically deal with nurses looking to relocate? How can I find out more info on this? I have a husband and 2 kids,do any agencies relocate families? Thanks for your help 😃

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Does your transcript show clinical and theory in adult, geriatric, pediatric, maternity/obstetrics, and psych/mental health? Do you have specialized experience or just agency? There is no shortage of nurses but there are areas seeking experienced specialty trained nurses (critical care, OR/theater, etc). Not many companies will pay to relocate a family unless the nurse is in a high need specialty difficult to fill position.

Start with determining if you meet generalist nursing education requirements of the US

Hello there,

Just wondering if you sid decide to start the process of applying to work/live in America.

Hi no I haven't started yet. I've been working long days and nights. I've two days off now so I'm going to have a look. I'm still no wiser though. I've also been thinking about Austrailia. It's so difficult. I want to make the right move. I'm not loaded so that's why I was looking for a relocation package that might help a bit towards the move.

We have literally just started looking into it and it appears to be rather a lengthy process í ½í¸³

Are you still working on the bank, if you don't mind me asking.

What do you mean "on the bank"?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Currently with many US nurses looking for work I would be surprised if you find any hospital offering relocation expenses unless it is a very undesirable area to ork and the hospitals are desperate and will have penalties attached

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

Bank nursing is what UK call pool nursing

Thanks for replying. Yes I'm still going bank/agency work at the moment. I understand that it's quite difficult to live and work in America. I am willing to relocate to any country if the job was right.

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