GPC Spring 2016 Graduates

U.S.A. Georgia


Here is a place that we could start discussing the next part of our journey in nursing school.

Has anyone read the book they suggested in our acceptance letters? I bought it off amazon and I am excited to read it!!!


I tried contacting you on your page and never received a response.

I tried contacting you on your page and never received a response.

Oh my goodness!!!! I just check my message folder "other" on Facebook. I normally only check fb on my phone. I can't see this folder. I apologize. I am working on adding everyone now.

Oh my goodness!!!! I just check my message folder "other" on Facebook. I normally only check fb on my phone. I can't see this folder. I apologize. I am working on adding everyone now.

If you sent me a message and it went to my other folder on my messages. I have sent you a friend request. Once you accept I can add you to gpc group :-) thanks!

I received my uniform and I love the top. The pants for me BUT they aren't comfortable. Where did everyone get alternate pants from? I'm thinking to return them. I think I'm only doing the 6th boot camp bc I work days during the summer and don't want to lose out on the money.

I got Origins by WonderWink from a SCRUBS store and I love them! They fit so much better than the school pants and they were cheaper! I think I got them for $15.

I will attend all 3 days.

kjewel36, can you add me to the facebook group? I'm KLien. Thanks.

Hi I'm not sire that my last post posted but check out icollege.


I am supposed to speak at bootcamp on the 6th but just started a new job, so not sure how that will go. I just graduated in May 2014 and let me say, it was a very rough ride. Everyone's life is unique. For me, I had to leave a job of 14 years in order to persue my dreams. My mother-in-law died in first semester. My husband's truck died in 2nd semester. My dog developed seizures and died in 3rd semester and life just continued to be an interesting journey all the way thru to the last semester. I say all that to say I made it. You can too. With study, careful planning & flexibilty, you can succeed. I don't mind offering pearls of wisdom, but the program is doable. You can't fall into the hype and cliques, which is easy to do. You can't study with everyone and you will have to really know yourself and be able to step away. You will meet some life-long friends and you will meet some people that will concern you about them becoming a nurse...

You have to reprogram your mind into thinking to learn & retain what they teach you...FOREVER. It's not like regular courses where you remember what you need just long enough to pass the test, then you forget about it... Memorizing isn't quite the answer either because you will have to critically think things thru and the answer just isn't in black & white or how you remembered. Buckle down & get ready, but you guys can do it!!

Call me emotional but your post made me tearey eyed. For some reason I feel if things will go wrong they'll go wrong during nursing school. My mother is sick in Canada and it's been a hard decision to continue to pursue this so reading all that happened to you hit home. I'm so proud of you for continuing on and making it. I also thank you for sharing your experience and giving a real account of what can happen. I wish you nothing but the best :)

Hello all. I recently just signed up for classes at GPC, hoping to get into the nursing program in the future. I have not been in school in a very long time so I have been stressing out hardcore about giving this another go. I just always felt like school wasn't really for me, but I'm kinda at a dead end in my life and I really need something positive and better to focus on. It's really mainly my boyfriend forcing me to go back to school, I don't think I would have taken that first step in getting back without him egging me constantly. I had a semester or two before at GSU back around 2004-2006, but I was really into partying at the time and had some other personal issues that made me drop out of school. I guess I just didn't care that much then and didn't even know what I wanted to do with my life. I did pretty bad in one of my classes because I never attended or studied, and then I had a WF in another. This impacted my GPA pretty bad and I'm wondering if I shot myself in the foot or can I somehow make it better? Going into school now, all I have to show is about 18 credit hours of easy classes and a big F and WF on my record. Can I rectify this?

Also, I always thought I'd be into nursing but now that I'm actually giving it another go and doing my research, I am getting more and more nervous. I am not sure if I will be able to handle everything in the future but I don't want to back out yet. I have had a very lazy past few years, mostly partying and working a part time job at a bar, probably becoming dumber and dumber since I don't really do anything productive. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to better myself, but I am definitely scared. I feel like I have to change many things about myself to make this work and it feels overwhelming at times to think about all that I may have to do. I'm worried about my previous grades, changing my lifestyle, forcing myself to study and read difficult text, memorizing intricate and detailed information... I just want to make sure I know what I am getting myself into.

Sorry I know this post has been really off topic but I figure all of you have already gone through most of this... how hard is this all going to be? Am I going to be tired, miserable, and stressed out? I'm terrible at math and was never very good at chemistry or science. I hated studying and did not have good schooling habits. I have a short attention span and get bored with stuff that doesn't interest me. I really want a better future for myself so I will try but I just feel like this is going to be super hard and I'm not even sure how successful the end result will be for me. Plus I have been smoking weed for like the past 10 years and I know I should probably stop since I need to be focused for school and of course, future drug tests. I guess I am just looking for some advice and inspiration... I'm going to try but I've given up almost everything that was difficult and made me miserable and stressed out in the past, so I'm afraid I'll start thinking that way again when things get tough. I figure, why do something I hate when I can find something I enjoy and understand, but so far the only thing that I've 'enjoyed' and 'understood' are just hedonistic things in life. Ok... I'm probably just sounding whiny now but I am trying to get out of this bubble and be a responsible person lol. I am 29 now after all and not getting any younger!! Good thing is that I have a supportive boyfriend and no kids or any major responsibilities. I only wish to make more money and be happy while doing it.

Thanks for your input and sorry for the long OT post.

@HighHealz, I can relate to a few of the things you are going through. I am 30, I went to school in the past (2002-2007) but never finished, in my last semester I did have a WF and an F in one class. I wasnt focused, wasnt giving my all. I am now retaking those classes, not happy but I had to start somewhere and definently get my GPA up. I have a fiance and 2 kids. I am very nervous but Im keeping it positive and giving it my best and my all. Its good you have support and its even better you have no kids while you are working towards your goal. Just be sure this is what you truly want because you dont want to waste time or money. For the last 8 years, I have been in the medical field, although I love it, I am still not happy and I wont be until Im finished with school and I am working as an RN. Maybe you should take a day to shadow a nurse at a hospital to make sure this is something you are truly ready for. Good Luck!

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