anyone applying to Georgia state Spring 2012 program?

U.S.A. Georgia


anyone applying to gsu spring 2012 my GPA is 3.4. Im retaking the teas i got a 76, i think, the first time. i asked before but not to many people responded, so im asking again:D.

THANK YOU! n yes, nothing is ever 100%, now I can finally sleep! I will check back regularly 2 cheer you all on!!! good luck everyone:)

Congrats yayaccepted!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! :DDDDD

You've earned it!!




YaYa Congratulations! Did your status change online?

Thank you ALL!!!

Samme324- No, my status still says "Ready for Review".

Hope to hear more good news in the coming days and coming weeks so that I too, can send out my Congrats to everyone:)

Omgosh!! Congrats!!!! :)

I am so happy for you Yayaccepted!! I also hope you sleep well tonight, but I am sure you are going to be floating on cloud nine.

My mail ran early today but nothing for me. At least we know someone that has gotten accepted. Good luck everyone!! Our turn is coming:-)

BTW, don't expect a huge pckg, it''s a letter size envelope & incl: letter of acceptance, Acceptanc Form, an Info sheet about the "PINS" review that u have to complete online and on the same paper is the program orientation info, & last, a 5 pg Professional Behaviors Policy.

Thx again:) Hope to hear some more good news this week! :)

Congrats yaya!!

A girl in one of my classes was also accepted (for ACE) and she said that only 4 acceptance letters went out for ACE and 8 for traditional (or the other way around:)). Maybe they will wait until they have responses by the 28th to send out most of the letters...

I was looking at the nursing classes that already have people registered, and I'm thinking that there may have been 8 that went out for traditional and 4 for ACE. It shows approximately 8 people registered for Nurs 2010, which is a 1st semester class for the traditional track. I figured that those are the people that have already returned their paperwork and are able to register. I know that people that have been accepted into the program have guaranteed seats in the classes that they need for the nursing curriculum.

As far as I know, people can just register for Nurs 2010 without being in the Nursing program. For example, I took that course this semester. Still hoping we hear something soon. :/

If worst comes to worst, we need time to develop our back-up plans. >__

I wish they would post up stats so we could at least have an idea about where we stand, you know? I feel like I'm on the lower end. :/

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