Transfer Credits

Nurses Announcements Archive


I am going to apply to a ADN program at a local community college next year. At that time I will have my BA in biology from another university.

My question is: do colleges usually accept transfer credits from students who have already gotten a degree with those credits? That is, can I use the general education courses I used to get my BA and transfer those over to get my ADN?

In Minnesota there is a website, MN Transfer, Home Page, that lists which colleges accept what courses from what schools. In my case, everything will transfer over, but I am concerned about this issue of double-dipping with credits.

I know this is a better question to ask the ADN school about, but I thought I would ask all of you first. I'm sure someone has dealt with this before. And if not I have an appointment with an admissions advisor from the ADN school tomorrow so I can ask him then.

This question may seem silly but it has really been getting to me. I'd appreciate any comments! Thanks! :uhoh21:

I posted this in the pre-nursing forum as well. Probably more appropriate in there.

I already have a BA as well and I transferred in everything except the nursing classes and A&P since I hadn't taken it. I dont see why they would'nt accept your credits unless they are too old. Usually anything within 5 years and at a C or above is good.

I have BS in Kinesiology and I'm on my second quarter of BSN program at a state university. All of my general ed transferred. There was no problem with any of my credits so far.

I think most schools will transfer them for you...your best bet is to talk to the school you're thinking about going to first though

Thanks for all your replies. I found out that all my credits will transfer over. I tend to worry too much.

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