Tests and Cheating Classmates

Nursing Students General Students


Sorry this is long - I'm just very disgusted. We were told on day one - if you are caught cheating - you'll be out of the Program. Although I'm 40, I'm obviously very naive, because I couldn't imagine anyone in Nursing School risking everything by cheating - considering what we all had to do to get in.

Our class has lectures in a very small cramped classroom - so when we have to take tests, we go into a large conference room and sit 3 or 4 around big tables. Even though we are a little bit spaced out, it's very distracting to be sitting at a table with people nervously shaking their legs (which shakes the entire table), sighing heavily, moaning in disgust, tapping their pencils, coughing non-stop, (the list goes on). Personally, I wish we could each have a little cubbie to sit at (the type they have in libraries for privacy) - Nursing Exams require a lot of concentration and it's very hard to do that with so much going on around you. Our school doesn't have those type desks, so we make due in this large room.

Last week after a test a fellow student told me she wasn't going to cheat off me again because she only made a 64. I thought she was kidding and told her she must not be good at cheating because I got a high "B". She said - well, the ones I was able to get off your paper were the only ones I got right. Although she's much younger than me, we're in a couple of classes together, talk a lot between classes, have lunch once in a while - so I was totally disgusted with her for not only cheating off my paper, but also putting me in jeopardy. I don't cover my paper (like I said, didn't think anyone would be cheating) - so if an Instructor had seen her looking at my test, to them, it might have looked like I was helping her out.

For our test today I sat at a different table with just one guy. I didn't name names, but mentioned I switched seats because I found out someone was cheating off my paper. He said I should report it to the Instructor. Told him this particular student had a "D" average and might not make it anyways, but I'd think about it after the test.

To make a long story (longer I guess) - After the test today, the Head of the Nursing Dept. came in and said she had quite a few complaints about a few students cheating. She said she'd be talking to the students accused of cheating, but they couldn't kick someone out if an Instructor doesn't see it happening first hand. The student that turned one of the cheating students in today - told me who it was and I was totally shocked. It's an 18 year old who is constantly bragging about her high 90's grades. She's the one who always asks "what did you get, what did you get - the test was so easy, I got a 95". Let's just say - "she's not the sharpest tack in the box", spends most of her time in lecture "doodling" instead of taking notes, claims she never studies much, so most of us had no idea how she was pulling in such great marks.

Apparently, she's been sitting next to the brightest student in class during the tests and copying off her paper - lots of people have seen this happening during the last few tests, got mad and several turned her in today. I try my best to stay focused during tests and never take my eyes off my paper - so I was totally clueless to what was going on. For those of us who spend many, many hours reading, studying, etc. and get B's and C's - it's sickening to think a couple of our classmates have cheated their way to the top of the class. I'm a very trusting person and honestly, it breaks my heart to know some of my classmates would take advantage of those of us who are taking Nursing School and our future career as Nurses deadly serious.

Has this happened in any of your schools and how do you and your Instructors handle it? Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.. Sue

I guess I'm a little bit like you...a little older (40 yo) and little bit naive. LOL. I just don't get why people would want to try to cheat! It just isn't worth it to me. Last semester they changed the testing policy at our school to "try to eliminate cheating" and that totally threw me. I thought, who's crazy enough to try to cheat? Anyway, now we take our tests with other semesters i.e. 4th semester nursing has their tests with 2nd semester nursing students and we alternate rows. So now, unless you had x-ray vision you couldn't possibly cheat...as if anyone would try anyway! It just blew me away when they did this as I couldn't even imagine people cheating.

The only thing that got me about your story was that it seemed like you guys took your exams at the same table? That would be a bit crazy if that's the truth.


I think I have a lot in common with both of you - pre-nursing, currently an A student in anatomy and physiology, starting ADN in August 2005, three kids. Does that cover it? :-)

I hope to run into you both here a lot, time permitting, of course. How many non-nursing classes do you have left?

tracy - I can tell by your post and your username that we have a lot in common. Best of luck to you and I'm sure we'll run into each other here often :)
Specializes in NICU.

Hi dgmom, Welcome to AllNurses.com :)

pre-nursing, currently an A student in anatomy and physiology, starting ADN in August 2005, three kids. Does that cover it? :-)

Yep, that just about covers it! As far as non-nursing classes, I still have A&P 2, College Algebra (Spring Semester) and then in Summer I'm taking Microbiology and English 102. The only on campus classes I'm taking are the Science classes. I've taken all internet courses for the rest, which has been both helpful and a pain at the same time. Oh and I still have a humanities elective to take since they cancelled my class this semester due to low enrollment. What about you?

All I have left is A&P 2. I have a bachelor's degree already - in English education - so all my humanities transferred. I took developmental psych as an online course, and then had to do the two semesters of A and P. My program doesn't require the microbiology, so I got out of that. I will have to take that, probably, if I continue on to a BSN. Honestly, though, does nursing school itself scare you to death? My children are 10, 8, and 6, and going to school full-time worries me a lot. I think I'd feel better about an accelerated BSN program, which I could finish in a year to a year and a half, but two and a half years is a long time to be all tied up with school. I'm struggling between nursing school and pursuing a distance master's degree in health education. I've been a childbirth educator and birth doula for the last six years, and I love it. I wanted to become an RN as a stepping stone to becoming a nurse-midwife, but I'm getting concerned as the time gets closer that I'm not going to like the time commitment in terms of my kids. I love school - I could be a professional student, I think - but I know my kids are only young once, and I don't want to miss all their games, gymnastics events, etc. because I have to study. Have you thought about all this, or am I just crazy? How old are your kids?

Hi dgmom, Welcome to AllNurses.com :)

Yep, that just about covers it! As far as non-nursing classes, I still have A&P 2, College Algebra (Spring Semester) and then in Summer I'm taking Microbiology and English 102. The only on campus classes I'm taking are the Science classes. I've taken all internet courses for the rest, which has been both helpful and a pain at the same time. Oh and I still have a humanities elective to take since they cancelled my class this semester due to low enrollment. What about you?

Specializes in NICU.

Wow I am sitting here nodding my head as I read your post. Yes, I'm terrified :) but I try to put up a facade LOL My kids are 11, 6 and 2. My dream is to be a nurse-midwife eventually. I won't pursue that until the baby is in high school probably. I considered training to be a doula before going to nursing school. I also plan to be a lactation advocate, possibly a consultant.

I have been a SAHM for over 6 years, and I am really enjoying being back at school, using my brain again! But it's been a bit rough at times, particularly these last few weeks of the semester. I've been very sick (started as a nasty cold then got much worse) and I'm a bit burnt out trying to juggle everything. I just promised my 6 yo tonight that I'm all his next Monday afternoon! He's excited but wants me NOW! I do things with my kids daily but I still have guilt. I need to get over that, because I know this is a great thing that I am doing. It's hard to stop thinking about whether I'm splitting my time fairly between them and school and oh, yea, my husband!

Since I'm getting all my non-nursing classes out of the way now, I will be basically part-time while taking nursing classes (meaning, taking 9 or less credit hours each semester) but I know that clinicals and care plans eat up a lot of time. I'm scared, but I am trying very hard to focus on today instead of worrying about next year, semester or even next week. But it's a challenge, for sure. What is keeping me going is my faith. I know God has opened up so many doors for me to achieve my goals and that means a lot. I have such peace about this (usually!) because I've prayed and prayed. God has answered too many prayers and opened too many doors for me to not recognize that this is His plan for me. That really helps me when I am doubting my abilities.

And when I'm feeling sad for some of the things I may miss over the next 2 1/2 years, I try to instead think of the opportunities we will have after I graduate. There are so many possibilities for RNs! We'll finally be in a decent place financially instead of constantly struggling. That will relieve a huge burden of stress. I don't really have to worry about missing gymnastics or other extracurricular activities bc we can't afford them and I HATE THAT. Also, I will have a sense of pride and accomplishment for my achievements. I am extremely proud of my family and get so much satisfaction from motherhood. But I was starting to feel a little lost in the shuffle and I knew it was time for me to pursue my other dreams.

I Am really rambling now *yawn* I do that when I'm sleepy. I'm going to post this before I need to break it into chapters:chuckle Hope I haven't bored you to death with my very long answer :p

Specializes in NICU.

PS What part of NC are you in?

I have much to reply, but I'll have to do it tomorrow! My A and P lab final is tomorrow, and I have studying left to do! :-)

I'm near Camp Lejeune in NC - Jacksonville area.


Wow I am sitting here nodding my head as I read your post. Yes, I'm terrified :) but I try to put up a facade LOL My kids are 11, 6 and 2. My dream is to be a nurse-midwife eventually. I won't pursue that until the baby is in high school probably. I considered training to be a doula before going to nursing school. I also plan to be a lactation advocate, possibly a consultant.
Exactly! Frankly, I'm too arrogant to ever cheat. :chuckle If I don't know the answer, I'm not convinced that anyone around me would know, either!


That was my attitude in school, too. I see that you ar in AZ. I graduated from two nursing programs (LPN & RN) in AZ.

Recently my college handed out a memo that from now on all students must take the same exam format that the teacher hands out (computer or written). A student in my class told my sister-in-law (also in my class) that the person who is getting 100% all the time will probably flunk out now. My sister-in-law just smiled at her and said "that would person would be my sister-in-law, she sits in the second row" (me). :rotfl: I didn't even know that you could request another format! Guess I spend too much time studying to research something like that. Also, why do people get so bothered about others doing well? Someone has to be at the top right?

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