Pre-Nursing School Jitters

This will be the first of a series of articles that I intend to write regarding what it's like to be a nursing student and how I perceive and overcome some of the challenges along the way. I am starting with the very beginning; the long wait to actually start classes. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

Orientation is in 17 days. August 10th I get to meet all my fellow nursing school classmates and the instructors. I have waited for this so long. I have spent over a year doing all the pre-requisite classes and testing. I have waited what seems like a lifetime already just to get that all-important letter telling me that "Yes, you are accepted."

I am not a very patient person. If it were up to me, I would have everything yesterday. I am so excited about nursing school that I just want to jump into it NOW. On the other hand, I am also nervous, anxious and just a teensy bit frightened. I feel the pressure of the need to succeed, and all the "what-ifs" haunting me.

You hear and read all the time about how nursing school is so different from all the other classes and there are plenty of examples about anything from bad instructors to difficult tests and everything in between. It doesn't help matters that for my family, my career change is seen as a ticket out of scraping by from paycheck to paycheck. I have never been one to shy away from a challenge, and to some extent I thrive on them.

It's like when people say "You can't do this," I have to prove them wrong.

I have everything I need to start classes. I have already purchased the required uniform, stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, and most of the books. I have very few things left to do. I plan on getting my hair cut and colored, because I don't know when I will have time to do that again, and I must make sure my kids have everything they need for their own school starts.

I am glad that I still have things to keep me busy and my mind occupied to make the wait go by a little faster. My kids are important, so I do want to make sure that we do fun stuff together as a family, because chances might come fewer and further between for family activities.

I have started to read the textbooks a little bit. Not in depth, but rather a skim through to get myself familiarized with the style of the author and to prepare myself mentally for the type of critical thinking that I know will be required. I am worried that I won't have the time to read the textbook once classes start, therefore I am trying to give myself a little head start.

All in all I am looking forward to this challenge. Nursing has been my dream for as long as I can remember, and I am determined that I am going to succeed and become the best nurse that I possibly can be. That starts with becoming the best student I can be, and I can only hope that all this time spent preparing for nursing school; thinking about it, dreaming about it and preparing for it will help me be successful both as a student and a nurse.

Same here! Orientation is tomorrow and school starts on Aug 20th! I am nervous/excited at the same time!

Good luck to everyone on their new journey to becoming a nurse

congratulations on your acceptance... i recently graduated (Dec) and I remember feeling the same exact way you do..the waiting, the anticpation of waiting on that acceptance letter.. finally receiving it, and wanted to jump start right away on reading, planning family time while working full time...oh what joy :).... i will say those 2 1/2 years FLEW by.. i cant believe I am an RN... good luck and please keep us posted!

Congratulations on acceptance to nursing school. I am an LVN, and will graduate with my BSN in 6 days ! It has been a wonderfully, grueling experience. I have just a bit of advice for all the new nursing students:

Do not get behind or procrastinate. Keep a planner and write down every class, assignment (posted and due dates). Iphone calendar is wonderful for this!

When you study, the more times you see/hear material, the better you retain it. Review before lecture, take notes, then wait a day and review it again.

NEVER be afraid to ask a question, it could be the one that saves yours or someone else's patient.

Simulation labs are the bomb. It is the one place where a mistake is only a learning experience. Take the time to get it right, a person may get the new skill in the first try, or it may take 5. If you do well ask your fellow classmates if they want help.

Always be willing to help your nurse preceptor with a smile, even if you dont feel like smiling. Always let your nurse know you want to do new skills, and repeat ones you have done. Do not rush in clinicals. Accidents/Errors happen when you rush.

Have a positive attitude, it reflects on your work. You can choose to make every day in nursing school a good day. Be happy, enjoy the learning experiences you are going to get.

For those of you with small children. Take time every day with your kiddos, they grow soooo fast. A supportive spouse is paramount to success. Before school starts get a date night in with your honey. Remind them they are KEY to your success. If you dont have a spouse or significant other, while being harder YOU CAN Do it ! structure, and scheduling keep focused.

Remember to take some "you" time when you can.

OKNurse2be :)

Nice article! I've visited Oslo, Norway! I loved it! The people were so nice, the snow was so fluffy, I miss it!

Good luck to you :)

Great article. I also start nursing school next month. Orientation is Aug 17 and class starts Aug 22. I have so many things running through my mind from being nervous, anxious, and excited. I've bought most of my supplies and read through books now I'm just trying to relax a bit before it all begins. Congratulations to all of us starting nursing school!!!

Congrats to you as well!!! So happy to see the sccess stories.

my plan is to go for my bsn after nursing school (i know, i'm a perpetual student... what can i say? i'm a dork, and i'm ok with that!). thank you for the advice and words of encouragement, 1gindragon2. congratulations on your graduation in just a few more days. how excited and releived you must be!!

@oknurse2be.. This is EXACTLY how I feel now!! Wow. Your selection of words is incredible .. You should start makin YouTube videos;)