Is Nursing School a "Survivor Series"?

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I have been feeling very depressed lately due to personal and school related stressors. I didn't go to school today but found out that a classmate (the only one I trust and am close to since we began) failed out. She has to be remediated.

I feel even more aweful now. She didn't fail by some grossly deficient margin....just by like 2 points. Sometimes I wonder if Nursing School is just a "survival of the fittest" obstacle course or if there is some kind of financial motive for these schools. Sometimes it all gets so overwhelming. I didn't get my test scores back (due to absence) don't know if I will join her in remediation..........will let you guys know.

How do you guys cope with such devastating blows?

Mixed emotions :o :angryfire :crying2: :uhoh21:

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

I'm a student as well and boy is it tough. I'm a very non-traditional aged student and just getting myself back into a classroom setting was a feat in itself. I struggled and still struggle. Several classmates have dropped either because of grades or just deciding that this wasn't for them. Right now, starting several months ago, I am going thru one of the worst stressors in my life, a personal issue that I have to deal with and yeah there were lots of times that I didn't feel like going to school to deal with anything! But somehow I did and have managed quite well. Taking some summer courses now and one of my buddies, and myself,...if we don't pass this we're going to have to retake it and be a year behind. that's even more stress. I keep telling myself I CAN do this and I WILL....and with the help of some real dear friends still in the program with me we're supporting each other and picking each other up, dusting each other off, and keep going forward.

Believe me...I do know how you feel. Just try try try the very best you can

{{{{{hugzzzzzz}}}}} and support to you.

I don't know yet, I start in the fall, but I have heard it compared to Survivor before. Sounds kinda funny, but I have a feeling, it's all about survival of the fittest. So be it...that means I'll be graduating.:D j/k...hopefully I will survive.

Keep trudging can do it!

As a student myself, I have observed that nursing school can be a textbook example of Darwinism. A rather crude analogy, but that's how I relate some of the high drop rates you see when some students realize what they're getting into. I just finished up one of my worst semesters ever (grade-wise, definitely NOT proud of it), though it has served only to motivate me more once I go back in the fall. It is truly survival of the fittest. On the other hand, if you have it in your mind that you are going to will. I never thought I'd be in nursing school, but I made it and I don't intend to stop now. Best of luck!


Specializes in CCRN.

Had a gal in my A&P course who flipped out when she saw a video of birth, another who said if the teacher did not give her a passing grade, even though she did not do the work to deserve it, she was just giving up on nursing because she was not taking the class again. Another gal didn't study for a psych final, and was frantic the hour before. She stated she didn't study because she was out dancing all night. Two people in another class did not turn in learning activities on the appointed day (clearly stated in the sylabus) therefore forfeited 100 points and any extra credit earned from a 600 point class. One girlshad 8 returns to perform in one day, the week before finals. Don't know about you, but I will not be sad if these people are never given the opportunity to take care of me or my loved ones.

My Anatomy and Physiology II class was VERY challenging this past quarter. At the beginning of the quarter myself and another classmate were the only people spending extra time in lab studying. We were the only two people to pass the first exam. Each week a few more people would join us for study, by the end of the semester our study group consisted af all but 1 in the class.

I have become friends with many classmates, and will study with anyone who is serious about wanting to study. If it gets to a point where there is more socializing than studying, I simply excuse myself and go someplace else to study.

Maybe it's my age, but it all boils down to focus and study habits. If you don't understand something ask for help. Ask for a screening if you feel you have a learning dissability.

I do believe you get out of school what you are willing to put into it.

BTW, I am currently on medication for depression/anxiety, and I know how it is sometimes. But I have learned that I must face what I dread and take control of my own destiny.

Hang in there!


Specializes in Burn/Trauma PCU.


I can't speak from a nursing student point of view - I' still technically a "pre-nursing" student - but I just wanted to extend a little support and sympathy:


Some of the other posters have said it perfectly: if you really, really want this, you WILL succeed. Same goes for your good friend - the only difference now is the path she takes and the time it takes to do that. I mean, yes, it does stink a big one to get dropped from a program, and my heart goes out to both of you, because I know how stressful that can be. However, if you want something badly enough, you'll find the way.

I don't believe nursing school is strictly like Survivor with just one winner at the end; imagine the nursing shortage THEN! :rolleyes: If for some reason you have to be remediated (what is that exactly?), then you'll be remediated and life will go on. I don't mean that in a crass way: I just think that simply by getting into nursing school, you're a strong, remarkable, intelligent person who can more than perservere when an obstacle blocks your path. Again, if you really, truly want to be an RN, you WILL be an RN. Period. The path may be different than you expected, but it still has the same destination.

Hang in there, my dear! Be sure to take care of yourself: I used to suffer from depression - and will still occasionally have my "days" - and before I sought therapy from a wonderful, wonderful counselor, I used to think I was just lazy, unmotivated, and I needed to "buck up"... and I resisted talking to someone "professional" because I thought it was an admittance of weakness (and heaven forbid I should be anything less than perfect!). Not so! Even if it's just once, talk to a counselor about how you feel - just getting it all out does wonders. My life is 1000% improved and I don't have a need for so many "mental health" days! :p

By the way, I hope you don't feel bad about taking a "mental health day" - I'm a huge advocate of them. I think you absolutely needed it and it was for good reason. Taking time to rest is just as healthy for your mental health as it is for your physical health - most of us push ourselves past the breaking point so many times anyway and then end up having to take off more time because our weakened immune systems opened us up to the latest virus du jour.

Doesn't hurt to do it twice: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Keep us posted! is survivor. And I can certainly understand your concerns about you and your friend. I had one of my best buddies fail also with a 73%. You must have 74% at my school. She passed clinicals and labs with no problemw, but just couldn't grasp the lectures. I spent many hours tutoring her along with several others in the class but in the end, she missed that 74% by getting 2 too many wrong on the final exam. Now she has decided to quit (with 1 semester to go) and no amount of "pep" talking will do any good.

She feels that the school should have made an exception to allow her to pass because she was so close. However, our schools pass rate for the state NCLEX has slowing been declining and last December grads had 8 of 60 some fail the board exam. The school has looked at those grads who failed and they were the ones that passed the nursing classes with the 70 %'s. Now, because of that declining pass rate, they have decided that with the fall semester, the pass percent will now be 80% instead of 74%. We lost several students this semester like my friend who didnt pass with 74% but if it had been 80% already, we would have lost alot more. I know a lot of people think that grades won't matter when it comes to finding a job, as long as you pass the boards but I disagree. I may be wrong, but in my mind I am not taking any chances. I want that edge over someone if it comes down to a choice for an employer.

I am sure a lot of what a school does is for the bottom line. Think of all of the classes you have had to take for you nursing degree that are absolutely irrelevant to nursing just to be "well rounded". Think of all of the text books you have had to purchase that go unused and collect dust. I believe schools are all about making money. Period. Unfortunately, in the nursing profession, they weed out a lot of people who would have made WONDERFUL nurses with the hope that they will retake the class again...and again...and again.....

I do not think that is an accurate statement. For most schools, if you fail two classes, anywhere in the program, you are dropped completely from the program and not allowed to re-apply. There is no re-taking a class over and over again. The way I see it, if the tactics were an effort to obtain funds, they would allow more students and not weed anyone out.

College is hard. Nursing school is torture. Yes, it is survival of the fittest and if you want it bad enough win.

I feel bad for your friend ,but I believe things happen for a reason. She may end up being hired for her dream job next week. Now, what are you willing to do, if this is in fact, your dream?

Specializes in Med-Surg.
Nursing school is supposed to weed out those who don't truely have the stamina to endur and thrive under pressure.

Gee and I thought that's what the application process took care of... How many other people went through 2-3 years of pre-reqs knowing that they had to excel every time they sat down to test in order to have competetive grades for their nursing program app? How many other people took tons of credits never even knowing if they were going to get in to that program 2-3 years down the road?? How many other people had an extensive application with 33 detailed things to do (all by a seemingly different due date) knowing that if you fouled up on even one of the 33 items your application would be round filed? How many others paid exhorbitant fees, commuted endless miles, studied hours and hours into the night, sweated bullets day after day waiting to find out what grade you made and did this month after month after month, year after year ALL NEVER EVEN KNOWING IF YOU WOULD GET IN?! I'm sorry, but just getting into nursing school these days is a Herculean feat and it more than speaks for the stamina necessary "to endur and thrive under pressure." I would respectfully submit that the best of the best are already walking through the door, they don't need to be further weeded out!

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