nursing implications??

Nursing Students General Students


ok, i have a stupid question, so don't laugh!

we are having to research info on certain drugs, classification, indications and use, blah blah blah...

well, here is my question....we are to list the important nursing implications, my drug book has a section on nursing considerations, is that the same thing?

yes, im a walking zombie already, 2 weeks in!!

i'm asking my instructor tomorrow, but just wanted to ask here as well, thanks!

Specializes in CICu, ICU, med-surg.

I would say that "nursing considerations" and "nursing implications" are probably the same thing. What drug guide are you using? Davis Drug Guide has a section for each med called "nursing implications", so that may be where your instructors are coming from.

thanks, i even tried to look on the internet, but i am only seeing things about half way right now, no telling what i was actually looking at.

we are using Mosby's 2004 Nursing Drug Reference...

here is a link to what the cover looks like...

I would think that they are the same. Things like having to flush the IV tubing with saline before and after IVP dilantin would be an example.

Hold glucophage 48 hours prior to IV dye xray studies.

Giving a drug like inferon Z track

If vancomycin is given to fast will cause Red neck or red man syndrome (not trying tobe funny here)

Rigors as a side effect of giving amphotericin or vancomycin can only be stopped using demerol, no one know why.

(Main Entry: rig-or

Pronunciation: 'ri-g&r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English rigour, from Middle French rigueur, from Latin rigor, literally, stiffness, from rigEre to be stiff

Date: 14th century

1 a (1) : harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment : SEVERITY (2) : the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : STRICTNESS (3) : severity of life : AUSTERITY b : an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty

2 : a tremor caused by a chill

3 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable; especially : extremity of cold

4 : strict precision : EXACTNESS

5 a : obsolete : RIGIDITY, STIFFNESS b : rigidness or torpor of organs or tissue that prevents response to stimuli c : RIGOR MORTIS

thanks, did you get that info from somewhere? if i had actual examples to look at i think it would help me a lot.

i googled the davis drug guide that was mentioned above and found a page that had the same things that my book says under considerations, so i guess they would be the same.

thank you both!

Originally posted by nurseshawna

thanks, did you get that info from somewhere? if i had actual examples to look at i think it would help me a lot.

i googled the davis drug guide that was mentioned above and found a page that had the same things that my book says under considerations, so i guess they would be the same.

thank you both!

When you are an old nurse like me, the answers are already in your head. Remember, you never stop learning pharm.


You're not an old are an excellent one and I hope someday I will know as much as "your type" forgets!!!

Originally posted by snag


You're not an old are an excellent one and I hope someday I will know as much as "your type" forgets!!!

Thank you

oh, im sorry, i didn't know you were a "true" nurse, lol, i thought you might just be a lowly student like me, haha ;) thank you for your input!!

so, you being a nurse, how do you feel about students?

i also asked today about my question, and she said yes, they are the same, so thanks everyone!

Originally posted by nurseshawna

oh, im sorry, i didn't know you were a "true" nurse, lol, i thought you might just be a lowly student like me, haha ;) thank you for your input!!

so, you being a nurse, how do you feel about students?

i also asked today about my question, and she said yes, they are the same, so thanks everyone!

Barb can answer her own questions, that's for sure, but my two cents...Barb cares very much for the success of students and gives the benefit of her wisdom and experience where ever needed and/or asked for. :)

Very glad you were able to confirm the answer to your question with your instructor.

Originally posted by nurseshawna

oh, im sorry, i didn't know you were a "true" nurse, lol, i thought you might just be a lowly student like me, haha ;) thank you for your input!!

so, you being a nurse, how do you feel about students?

i also asked today about my question, and she said yes, they are the same, so thanks everyone!

I have been an RN for 28 years. Constantly going to school to upgrade my skills and making sure I can answer any student's question. I might not have the right answer, but I make sure I can find the answer. To me that is the definition of a brilliant person.

Lisa is very kind, she is am member of my study group on line. It is a free for all of ideas and when a question is asked, I answer it. Never does a student hear " go look it up." If the student knew the answer, they would not have to ask me.

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