I feel like a loner sometimes.

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I'm not sure, exactly why? It's not a personality issue, I'm aware of my personality. I'm a very helpful person. I'm helpful in school and clinical. I'm also friendly.

I guess its ME, I don't call up friends constantly. In fact, after high school the idea of friends vanished. Everyone went off to college elsewhere, I stayed in my hometown for college and went right into the program ... No "fun period".

In prerequisites everyone was just into their own life.

In nursing school, we do go out as friends but everyone has their own family to tend to. I don't, I'm 20- I have nothing besides my career.

You'd think with so much free time, I'm always doing school work but actually I'm sleeping, I know I'm not depressed. I just sleep because I have the luxury, and I can. I'm tired, hello .... I'm in nursing school :p

Besides sleeping I spend my time always doing nursing stuff. Even stuff irrelevant to class, or washing funny stuff on YouTube.

This summer semester I decided to sleep less and pulled out ALL A's. Which, of course now I will repeat from now on. I'm going for A's until graduation and beyond when I start my BSN bridge.

I sometimes feel like I'm going to end up being a career person. Utterly devoted to working and school. Climbing the professional world and nothing else. I'm afraid of ending up all alone. O:

I just never get around to calling people up and saying, "hey lets hang". Its just NOT me. I can be sociable and all during school or clinical but I'm not a social butterfly in my personal life. I'm not shy, or anything ... As I've said... My career ME and my personal ME are different in regard to socialization.

My brother is a 180, he's a social butterfly ALL the time .... because he has to be. He works in politics and in fact is moving to Washington DC.

Anyone out there anything like me?

I'm also not interested in dating, I just become bored and annoyed. Like ugh ... I could be doing something productive or resting.

Sometimes I feel lonely, sometimes I feel like I'm being selfish with my time.

I'm not sure where this thread best belongs. C:

I just needed to get this out.

I completely agree with you! Friends will come and go, and I lose friends because im focused on my future and my career then i'm okay with that! If they cant stick by my side during this then they aren't really the kind of friends I need in my life anyways!

In my life, and I'm twice your age, I've found that my social life has been quite different at various times. At some times I feel like I have lots of friends and a full social life. Sometimes I feel like I have a modest social life and have to struggle to keep it up, and at other times I just feel lonely and friendless. It's usually due to some combination of my own activities as well as circumstances beyond my control.

I'm going to recommend an old book which is really a classic on the subject. It's called The Friendship Factor, by Alan Loy McGinnis. Lots of good stuff in it, but he mentions that friendships have a tendency to wither if you don't actively work at keeping them up. Don't make the mistake of thinking either that you can get by without friends, or that a good friendship will be easy and take care of itself.

Best of luck to you.

What you described sounded almost like me. We are both introverts and studious. It's great that you are super focused on school and wanting to achieve. I wouldn't really call you a "loner" though, it's more of a personality thing. It's a matter of what you prefer and enjoy doing. I too wouldn't like being at a bar, club, or whatever, it's not what I do. I prefer staying home and getting things done or relaxing.

Yeah Jess I agree with you. Some people show their true colors in time. Its good to weed out the bad ones.

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