How do you spell N.U.R.S.E.

Nursing Students General Students


Let's have some fun....for each letter of the word nurse...use a word that describes the profession, a reason you want to be a nurse, etc. Okay.....I'll go first....:D

N is for nurturing

U is for understanding

R is for rewarding

S is for sincerity

E is for expression


Oh I can't believe everyone is ignoring my A little to corny huh?


How's this?


U - Unsurpassed care

R - Restoring to health

S - Support

E - Empathy

I wasn't ignoring you, just took me a while to think of something.


O.K. I'll give it a try

N is for never having to take another chemistry class again

U is for all of the urine I'll be empyting out of bedpans this fall

R is for the ranitidine that I'll probably have to take for my ulcer

S is for the lovely all white shoes I'll be sporting for the next 2 years

E is for everyone who will be going throu the same thing as me and loving every minute of it.

OK OK.... My turn but its geared for STUDENTS

N is for new friends made here and in school

U is for understanding allllllll the info jammed in our heads

R is for rest, which we get none of!

S is for the million hours of studying until we are through

E is for Exams...I cant wait till they are done

Originally posted by Jen2

O.K. I'll give it a try

N is for never having to take another chemistry class again

U is for all of the urine I'll be empyting out of bedpans this fall

R is for the ranitidine that I'll probably have to take for my ulcer

S is for the lovely all white shoes I'll be sporting for the next 2 years

E is for everyone who will be going throu the same thing as me and loving every minute of it.

Oh, I love it! Way better than I could come up with!


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