Graduated yesterday. Advice to students.

Nursing Students General Students


Well, yesterday was graduation. I completed the LPN program. Very happy, but now I have to work :uhoh3: haha.

I wanted to give some advice to all those who will or just starting nursing school.

1. Don't ever give up. It may seem overwhelming, but you can do it.

2. Don't get behind.

3. Stay ontop of your reading - don't go too far ahead, it tends to all run together. Just read what you will be going over, then, re-read the same thing after class.

4. Invest in highlighter stock. :rotfl:

5. Make friends with you instructors - I'm not saying to be a "suck-up" or "teachers pet" but it helps them see that you really care.

6. Study 1x a week with someone or a group, if possible. But make darn sure that person is reliable and will actually read the material.

7. Study/go over old tests 1x a week. It helps things sink in.

8. Did I say "DON'T GET BEHIND" (hint)

9. Try some study methods - write notes while in class or bring a tape record to take notes at home (I had a problem with spending too much time taking notes IN CLASS I would sometimes get lost) or write notes at home after re-read material learned in class, or HIGHLIGHT. (I would highlight material I thought was important -which was mostly everything and highlight in a different color what was said during class.

10. Don't expect too much out of your classmates. Many are just out for #1 - themselves. Help them if they need help & want it, just don't always expect the same from them. (I learned this the hard way - I was told I expect too much from people).

11. Oh, yeah - Don't get behind. :chuckle

These are some of the few things that I have learned over the past year. I just wanted to pass on what little/good/bad advice I could for you guys/girls. Hope it helped alittle.

Best of luck to you all & remember "You can do this"

justjenn, LPN (well, after boards) :)

I hope you all do well. For me, I thought I was smart until my 2nd nursing test. From then on, I was about 84-86 average - not real promising.

The first couple of months, in the LPN program, we covered 5 to 7 chapters every 2 days, then had a test. We were doing about 2 to 3 tests a week.

SO DON'T FALL BEHIND :rolleyes: You start to lose momenteum (sp?) and feel that you will never catch up. But, I know some were able to do it, but not me.

From the bottom of my tired heart - Good Luck.


Thank you, and congrats !!!!!!!!

[sO DON'T FALL BEHIND :rolleyes: You start to lose momenteum (sp?) and feel that you will never catch up. But, I know some were able to do it, but not me.

Thanks for the advice. As I am trying to play catch up my last week in my A&PII lab, :crying2: I understand totally about not getting behind. Now, if can remember and do this the next 12 months in nursing school! :uhoh3:

Congratulations on graduating! Thank you for thinking of us who are just beginning!:)

Congrats on graduating!

That is great advice! I had my first tough semester this past springl and everything you said on that list is absolutely true! What a great way of explaining it!

CONGRATS!! :balloons:

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