Getting discouraged! Help!

Nursing Students General Students


I formally petitioned for the nursing program at our local community college. I did not get in last fall but was told by admissions that I would be in this fall, 2003. Just go ahead and take all my other classes and then all I would have left would be the nursing and clinicals. Well, I've done that. I am finishing up A&PIII and a few other general electives. Nothing what-so-ever to take this summer!

And now...I'm being told that I will not be in this fall either! Talk about discouraged! I am 46 years old, kids grown and out of the house and I returned to school full-time to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse and now this!:confused: I honestly do not know what to do. My nursing advisor told me to go ahead and take more classes and that I would be in the program fall of 2004, or I could sit out a year. "Sit out a year"!! They don't seem to understand that all of that learning, especially A&P and Micro are those darned subjects that if you don't use it, you loose it! I've even thought of camping on the nursing directors door step to protest!! (Oh yea...she did insert a student into the fall program. Funny...she and this girls mother worked together for twenty years. Yes, she admitted to doing this but said she didn't realize that she would be starting this fall. Right!! Guess it's who you know at times!)

Anyone else run into this type of situation? I live in Ohio and other nursing programs are offered but in other cities. Any help would be appreciated. :bluecry1:


I will soon be 47 too! (November) And I am not giving up. I have waited for this so long and now that it's here, it's like a dream come true. Sorry to hear about your hubby's heart problems. The Cleveland Clinic is great. My Mom goes there and swears by the Dr's there. She won't even see any Dr's here in our town at all except for when she has a cold. (Are you in Ohio too??)

Good Luck and congrats on you making it this far!!


I was curious about how this all came about. Did you squeek the wheel a little or did it just happen? I was going to ask you if you had a letter stating that you had been accepted into the program. If so then you really did have legal leg to stand on but that is no biggy now. May I say

Congrats!!! The best of luck to you in your studies!


Congratulations! I am thrilled for you!

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