Exit HESI test prep, strategies, opinions, general questions

Nursing Students General Students



i am about ready to take my final exit hesi exam. to prepare for the exam i have the following materials/resources:

1) hesi study book from evolve

2) hesi case studies from evolve

3) hesi practice test cd which comes with the hesi book

4) hesi practest 2009 questions from evolve

5) hesi related flashcards, not from evolve

6) hesi study notes compiled by faculty and previous adn students (lab values, meds, etc.)

7) hesi related powerpoints for remediation and instructional purposes, not from evolve

to prepare for the test itself:

1) become an expert at the nursing process r/t questions, answers, and related processes

2) determine my optimum learning style

3) practice visualization and guided imagery

4) practice and refine test taking skills

5) stress relief and coping skills developed and utilized

6) determine areas of weakness in previous hesi exams (via the statistical report provided after taking the test)

7) i practice the practice tests on the computer until i memorize/understand the questions and related material (until i have it down cold via repetition)

8) i review the rationales on the practest questions, case studies, and practice test cd relentlessly (usually start with this first... essentially reverse engineer the questions starting with the rationales and working backwards)

9) memorize hints, meds, lranges, lab values, etc. as outlined in the hesi study book (with an intent to not be caught off guard by material i haven't seen before and to not forego any easy points)

10-a) block off two weeks or more to constantly review the hesi book

10-b)alternatively, study the hesi book as the semester progresses.

11) foregoing studying from other non-evolve resources such as the saunders book temporarily (rationale: hesi test comes from hesi/evolve related products, normally).

12) host/goto hesi review sessions with other students about to take the test (rationale: if you can teach it, you get a better understanding=proficiency, eventually)

where to get some of the above resources:

austin community college. test taking strategies. available at:


link for the hesi book + practice test 2009:


hesi online case studies only:


hesi case studies + practice test 2009:


thoughts and opinions? what have you used, tried, and or using to prepare?

hey, thanks! i will be taking HESI in 10 days... i'm just going to focus on HESI book and questions questions questions..

Wow! That's awesome! Thanks for the info!!:yeah:

Hey does anyone have any info on v2, 3 or 4. I am willing to swap! :)

Hey you guys. I have been subscribed to this thread for a while but i can finally say, I passed HESI #3. I got 780, 750, then finally 940! Since #3 was our last chance, I really studied my butt off. Lost a lot of friends, teammates, relationship with my dad and sister, my income, built debt and got the IRS looking for me. But i was determined to pass because if I didnt, I wouldnt have been able to get back to a program.

I did > 300 questions a day. 150 as soon as I woke up and did the rationales. then 100 at night after dinner. the rest I did in between while i was just reviewing notes and study material.

I recommend using Saunders since they are also from Elsevier just like HESI. But honestly, I've never done so many questions before until I failed the second time. So do questions and review and understand rationales. I was scoring >65's on saunders. Good Luck to all! its a great feeling to finally know I have graduated from nursing school but now on to NCLEX.

btw, the HESI book was not helpful at all except for their lovely F/E & lab charts. O, I was also going to church everyday pleading my case to God.

Congratulations on passing. For those considering schools with exit exams, see my post here:


To those who have taken the HESI tests, do you feel that it has helped you in passing your courses or eventually passing your boards?

does anyone have any info about hesi versions 1 or 4? i have some info about 2 and 3 and need help as i have to retake the exam again.

Does anyone have versions 4, I really need help failed on my third try! please help someone!

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