algebra and trig help needed

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i am retaking an algebra and trig class to try to get a better grade. i got a c+ the first time around 13 years ago. i am taking it again this semester and i just took my first test. i hope that i passed. does anybody have any recomendations for books or websites that will help me along. i should have taken another math class to get a better grade. thanks in advance.

tracy :uhoh3:

Specializes in Med/Surg..

i am retaking an algebra and trig class to try to get a better grade. i got a c+ the first time around 13 years ago. i am taking it again this semester and i just took my first test. .

tracy :uhoh3:

hi tracy,

it had also been years since i took algebra & trig (in high school). i took business math in college (years ago) but my school requires either taking a college level algebra course or for those of us out of school for a long time - taking the algebra placement exam. instead of re-taking an algebra course i chose to challenge the exam. i got their study guide (spent 2 months going over it) and took the exam 2 months ago and placed many classes above what was required for admission. i've been out of school for 20 years but studied my behind off - amazing what you can do when you really want something this bad. you might want to ask your school if you can challenge certain pre-admission exams (instead of taking the courses) if you've already taken these courses before. hope this helps. susan

HI Tracy,

Aside from SusanNC's suggestions, take advantage of the school's Math department; they ALWAYS have tutors there who are willing to help. Also, your classmates can help as well. Try to set up or participate in a study group. When I was in school, I would always make a point to meet one or two people from class and get their numbers so that I could call them for questions regarding any HW we would have. Work on the problems constantly. You can also try to search on the web for free Math tutoring. I just did out of curiosity and it gave me websites such as GoMath (although it's for k-12 students and their parents, but they might still be able to help) and the Online Math Tutor ( I hope these suggestions help.

Good luck!

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